For existing projects

Healthy City Fall River recognizes that dozen of activities already take place within the city that contribute to the Action Priority Areas. These projects need to be woven into the larger Healthy City fabric to create greater connection across efforts and to increase everyone's awareness. If you think your current activity helps to further one or more Action Priority Areas, see below:


Steps to become an Action Plan Partner If you or your organization are currently involved in an activity that furthers one of these priorities, you are invited to become a Healthy City Action Plan Partner by following these steps in the process:
Identify the Action Priority Area Find one of the the following Action Plan Priorities that best fits your current activity:

Safety & Substance abuse

1)    Increased community policing and personal safety

2)    A drug-free community, including enforcement of no-smoking regulations

3)    Reduction of gangs

Environment & Recreation

1)    Cleaner streets and parks

2)    Increased and improved recreational opportunities for youth and adults

3)    Measures to ensure cleaner air and water

Health Education

1)    Nutrition and diabetes education

2)    Tobacco education

3)    Physical education

Adult Education, Job Training & Employment

1)    Adult and out-of-school youth education

2)    Alternative programs including tutoring, drop-out prevention and after-school programs

3)    Youth and senior employment and volunteerism

Community Planning & Housing

1)    Affordable housing

2)    Waterfront access

3)    Improvements in recreation facilities for youth and adults

If you are uncertain where your activity fits, contact the Healthy city Coordinator at for clarification.

Contact the Healthy City Coordinator

Next, contact the Healthy city Coordinator at to request that your activity be added to the Action Plan. You will be sent instructions for how to complete a simple, one-page form.

Submit your project to the Design Team

Your application will be reviewed at the next quarterly Design Team meeting. If your project meets the requirements for inclusion, a page will be added to the Healthy City web site listing of Action Plan Partners in the appropriate category. If your project does not appear to meet the requirements for inclusion, you will be contacted for further clarification.