Click here for a current list of Fall River's Healthy Neighborhood Markets

Compared with the rest of Massachusetts, a greater percentage of people in Fall River are overweight, consume fewer than five servings of fruits and vegetables daily and get less exercise than residents in other parts of the Commonwealth.

Each of these factors contribute to the higher rates of heart disease* and diabetes* among City residents. In order to promote healthier nutrition among people who live or work in the City of Fall River, the Healthy City Fall River initiative has established a voluntary designation for neighborhood markets that wish to be known as offering nutritious foods in a healthy environment.

This program is modeled after other programs across the nation that seek to improve health by increasing the availability of nutrition information to consumers and by expanding the range of choices offered by food vendors. There is no requirement that any establishment participate in this program nor any penalty for not participating.

The Healthy Market Program recognizes that the latest nutrition guidelines have placed a greater emphasis on increasing fruits and vegetables in the diet,. The Healthy Dining Program criteria support healthful eating and are appropriate for the majority of the population, however, persons with allergies, chronic conditions requiring a therapeutic diet, or highly restricted nutrient intakes should see their physician and a registered dietitian for an individualized nutrition plan and information about their individual nutritional needs.

Healthy Neighborhood Market  Participation Criteria

In order to participate in the program, food establishments must submit an application that documents that the establishment:

1. Has all appropriate public health licenses and no unresolved health code violations

2. Provides handicap access or assistance to persons in wheelchairs

3. Offers a choice of fresh, canned or frozen fruits and/or vegetables (other than potatoes) with no added sugars (e.g. in syrup) or sauces.

4. Ensures that at least 20% of all grain foods (bread, cereals, and rice) are whole grain products.

5. Provides dried or canned beans and/or peas.

6. Provides milk and other alternatives to sugared beverages (i.e. water)

7. Participates in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for low-income persons.

Any store that is willing to meet the above criteria can apply at no charge for the Healthy Neighborhood Market designation. For more information, contact the Coordinator at

Click here for a Healthy Neighborhood Market application form


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