Partners Steering Committee

The Greater Fall River Healthy City Initiative is overseen by the Partners 25-member Steering Committee. This group, made up of representatives of numerous local organizations and representing the City of Fall River and the towns of Somerset, Swansea and Westport, meets monthly to make decisions about the overall direction of its projects.

Partners Task Forces

The work of Partners takes place in five Task Forces that meet separately to focus on specific areas of need, such as youth issues, homelessness, substance abuse, child abuse or nutrition. Anyone who serves on a Task Force is eligible to vote for Steering Committee Members at the biennial election of Partners. 

School-Community Partnership

A merger of the Fall River Youth CHOICES and the School-Community Partnership that consolidates all youth development planning and coordination activities for the Fall River Schools has created a single group to oversee all issues that affect youth, including youth substance abuse and violence prevention and any intervention involved in preventing youth risk behaviors.

Substance Abuse Task Force

The mission of the Substance Abuse Task force is to collaborate with the Greater Fall River community to eliminate the abuse of substances through education, awareness, and prevention. Its vision is to create a healthy and drug-free Greater Fall River community and includes the Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (SAPC) or BOLD Coalition, Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol (CMCA), Partnership for Success II (PFSII), and the Massachusetts Opioid  Abuse Prevention Collaborative (MOAPC).

Healthy Eating / Active Living Task Force

The Healthy Eating/Active Living (HEAL) Task Force brings together the many resources that contribute to improved nutrition and increasing the activity levels of adults and children in the Greater Fall River Area. This Task Force also seeks to reduce levels of overweight, obesity and poor nutrition. Working closely with the Mass In Motion Project, this Task Force also seeks to improve the physical environment to enable multi-modal transportation, greater use of parks and open spaces, and resources designed to increase physical fitness.

Coalition for Health and Well Being

The Greater Fall River Coalition for Health and Well Being is an ad hoc group formed in response to the challenges posed by homeless families living in local motels while they await placement in permanent housing. Members of the group meet to continue their ongoing discussion of strategies to assist the families. The group is working on providing resources and assistance with accessing medical care, finding donations of clothing and personal care items, transportation, and options for recreation for the children who are living in very restrictive environments.

Click here to see photos and a retrospective video from the 20th Anniversary Celebration of Partners in 2013.

Click here to see photos and video from the 2005 Design Team Summit held at Fall River Government Center.

Click here to see photos from the first Healthy City Summit held on March 25th, 2004, at Bristol Community College.