HEALTHY CITY FALL RIVER VIDEOS Select any of the links below to connect with a video on any of the following topics.

Fed Up on the South Coast A Sequel to the Movie "Fed Up"
 Join a panel discussion of what the recommendations mean for people who are struggling with weight gain, diabetes and other concerns. Click here to watch the video to watch the video followed by a 35-minute discussion with Psychologist Dr. David Weed, Registered Dietitian Amanda Raposo, Nutrition Educator Jessica Williams, and special guests Linda Mae and Leonard Pittsley! 

Diabetes Prevention and Management with
Rose Marie Couto, RN, CDE 

and Laurie Hammontree, RD, LDN, CDE

Saint Anne’s certified diabetes educator Rose Marie Couto, RN, CDE presented “Diabetes Prevention and Management,” the first session in an educational program for adults held from Oct. 5-26, 2010. With a common-sense, easy-to-use approach that focuses on healthy eating and exercise, she describes a few simple steps can help prevent one of the country’s most prevalent diseases. According to the American Diabetes Association, 57 million people nationally have prediabetes, a condition where blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. Recent research has shown that some long-term damage to the body, especially the heart and circulatory system, may already be occurring during prediabetes. In the Fall River area, the incidence of diabetes in the Fall River area is higher than both state and national averages. “However, the good news,” says Couto, “is that there are strategies that can actually help to prevent diabetes, and many tools for successfully managing it. Our goal with this program is to help people understand diabetes, learn what’s possible to help them prevent or manage diabetes, and get the help they need so they can live healthy, productive lives.” To see videos of the first presentation in the series, click on any of the links below. For more information, contact Ms. Couto at 508-674-5600, X2490.

Part I: Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes - What's Going On? 

Part II: Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes-What Can You Do? 

Part III: Understanding Exercise and Medication

Part IV Easy Meal Planning for Type 2 and Prediabetes

Part V: Understanding Meal Planning for Type 2 Diabetes

 Click here for Ms. Hammontree's presentation               and here for a video of Ms. Couto's
presentation held at Heritage State Park Visitors' Center in May, 2011

The ABC's of Children's Weight Management with
Dietitian Kathy Bucklin, RD

In order to help parents learn to help their children manage their weight, a session in the “Meet the Pediatric Pros” series offered free information for parents and other caregivers on March 31, 2009. Sponsored by Fernandes Center for Children & Families of Saint Anne's Hospital, pediatric dietitian Kathleen Bucklin, RD spoke on “Weigh Well: the ABCs of  Children's Weight Management”. A graduate of the University of Rhode Island, Bucklin is a registered dietitian who works with children of all ages on a variety of nutrition topics and issues, including weight management. Saint Anne’s Hospital is Greater Fall River’s only comprehensive provider of inpatient and outpatient pediatric health services for children from infancy through young adult. For further information about the series, contact Anne Ferreira at 508-235-5056. Click here for the web page.

Click here for the introduction

Click here for a session on diet

Click here for a session on portion size

Click here for a session on behavior modification

Click here for a session on exercise

Click here for a summary of the overall approach



Food and Nutrition Tips to Prevent Childhood Obesity

Kathy Ireland, MS, RD, LDN, of Boston Medical Center, who spoke about Food and Nutrition Tips to Prevent Childhood Obesity at the 2013 Child Protection Council meeting, offered tips from her experience on dealing with children’s attitudes toward food. She suggested ways of getting young children to try more nutritious foods, such as vegetables, by introducing them slowly. She also spoke from her experience in dealing with children who are either anorexic or obese and the strategies that she uses to help them move to a healthier approach to eating. Click here for her one-hour presentation.

Tufts University is replicating its successful Shape Up Somerville childhood obesity prevention project, Children in Balance, in a two-year study targeting 1st through 3rd graders and their families in Fall River starting in the fall of 2008. Fall River was one of six communities selected from among 80 who applied. The school system is receiving training, tools, and funding to surround children with healthier food options and opportunities for active living. The project is also working with families and child-serving agencies to improve nutrition and fitness levels and decrease “screen” time through after school Healthy Eating Active Time (HEAT) Clubs and other events.

Healthy Eating Active Time (HEAT) Clubs
at the Watson Elementary School

Click here for the web page

Children In Balance Farmers' Market
at the Greene Elementary School

Click here for the web page

Doran School Farmers' Market
Click here for the web page

Letourneau School Farmers' Market
Click here for the web page

Silvia School Farmers' Market
Click here for the web page

Tansey School Farmers' Market
Click here for the web page

Watson School Farmers' Market
Click here for the web page

Walk to School at Spencer Borden
Click here for the web page

Fonseca School Farmers' Market
Click here for the web page

Spencer Borden Farmers' Market
Click here for the web page


Through the Greater Fall River Challenge, participants gained access to programs and fitness centers throughout the city for little or no cost.  These programs were designed to help individuals learn to eat well, lose weight, get fit and prevent Type 2 diabetes. A variety of prizes were donated by local businesses to be awarded to the teams and individuals with the highest percentage of weight loss. The Challenge was a way to call attention to already existing programs, to teach and encourage a healthy lifestyle, and to encourage people to change habits that were destructive to their health. 

Jessica Williams and Randy Benevides teach healthy cooking in 2009

John Quintas Teaches Nutrition at the 2013 Fitness Event

Challenge Nutrition Q & A

Click here for the web page

lick here for Part I

Click he
re for Part II
Eating for the Holidays with Dr. Mary Flynn

Click he
re for Part III


Derek Christianson of Brix Bounty Farm in Dartmouth led a session on vegetable plant and seed selection on March 24, 2009 in the Community Room of the Fall River Public Library. The program was part of the Healthy City Fall River effort to promote the establishment of community gardens in Fall River. Mr. Christianson offered information on each of the vegetable families: alliums, brassica, chenopods, compositae, cucurbits, legumes, solanaceae and umbels along with recommendations for planting times and conditions. He also touched on soil preparation, crop rotation, succession planting and companion planting. Click here to go to the web page.

Click here for Part I

Click here for Part II

Click here for Part III

Healthy City Fall River sponsored an educational session on soil analysis on October 23, 2008, to assist groups and individuals in Fall River who wish to start a community garden in determining what has to be done before planting next spring in regard to soil analysis and preparation. Derek Christianson of Brix Bounty Farm in North Dartmouth ( led a session on soil testing and soil health at St. Luke’s Church on Warren Street for about a dozen interested gardeners. Anyone may submit a soil sample to University of Massachusetts at Amherst for testing. The basic charge is only $9.00 or $13 with a PH test. All the information needed is at or by calling 413-545-0111

Site analysis

Water sources and lead testing

Soil testing procedure

Using a soil probe

Reasons for soil testing

Soil analysis: Section one

Soil analysis: Section two

Soil analysis: Section three

Tyler Norris of Kaiser Permanente addresses the 2010 Healthy Communities Conference

Click here for Part I
Click here for the web page

Click here for Part II
Click here for the web page

2010 Mass In Motion Spring Conference Luncheon, Tour and Workshops

 Click here for the video
Click here for the web page
Click here for the video
Click here for the web page

Click here for the video
Click here for the web page

Professor John McKnight talks about Civic Engagement and Communities at UMassD

Click here for Part I

Click here for Part II

Click here for Part III

Click here for Part IV


Cory Santos demonstrates I Am Moving, I Am Learning at Head Start
Click here for the web page

Healthy City Fall River By Design Conference with Mark Fenton
Click here for the web page

Integrating Health Behavior Change into a Busy Medical Practice
Click here for the web page

Saint Anne's Hospital Get Moving 5K Walk
Click here
for the web page

Click here
for the original video produced in 2004 that introduced the Healthy City Fall River initiative.



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