How we function?

The Healthy City Greater Fall River process involves hundreds of individuals and dozens of organizations. Much of the work involves connecting people who are involved in separate but related efforts to improve the health of the area.

The Design Team

The Design Team is made up of dozens of individuals representing a broad array of groups and activities that contribute to the health of the community. Members of the Team meet annual to review the progress of the Action Plan. The role of the Design Team is to interpret the input of the community, to help shape a plan of action and to evaluate the overall progress of the initiative.

Needs Assessment

Every five years, Partners conducts a comprehensive assessment of the health needs and community resources that help to guide the selection of  Action Plan goals for the next five year period. A combination of special population surveys, key informant interviews, and public health reports from many sources are used to ensure that a comprehensive assessment is done.


The Web Sites

Partners for a Healthier Community maintains a web site at that provides immediate access to information about the Healthy City Greater Fall River initiative. Information and photographs documenting the entire process are available so that anyone new to the process may be brought up-to-date at any time. In addition, information about the Action Plan is maintained at this site. 

Links to information about Healthy City projects around the world as well as links to useful resources are also provided. Anyone wishing to join the Design Team or to have input into the process may e-mail the Healthy City Fall River Coordinator at at their convenience.

Partners also maintains separate web sites for the Greater Fall River Fitness Challenge

and the South Coast Worksite Health Collaborative.

The Newsletter

A Greater Fall River Health newsletter (CONNECTIONS) is published quarterly to provide easy access to information about the progress of the process. Stories about community activities that contribute to a healthier community are included in the newsletter that is distributed through a variety of organizations.

The eNewsletter

Stories about community activities are also published each month through the Greater Fall River Health Update that is sent to over 4,000 recipients in the region. 

The Cable TV Show

Video segments from the web sites appear each month on Fall River Community Television which broadcast the Healthy City Fall River Show at different times throughout the week. Click here to see the shows anytime on-line.