How Healthy is the Greater Fall River Area?

The Greater Fall River community has a long history of voluntary efforts to make improvements that benefit all. The Healthy City concept, used world-wide, embraces the idea that people in any locality are the driving force that makes change happen.

When citizens participate in identifying the improvements that have to be made to reach a better quality of life, they are much more invested in reaching the outcome. And, while everything that needs to be done to improve health cannot be done by volunteers alone, having the support and involvement of citizens in directing the course of change ensures that the community will embrace the investment.

Like many similar communities with a high percentage of low-income earners, the City of Fall River has its challenges when it comes to health. (See Health Data South Coast ) Smoking rates are high, teenage pregnancy rates are above state averages, and the use of alcohol and illegal substances is a  problem for some.

However, a healthy community knows whether it is moving toward it goals by identifying and measuring its progress according to a series of health and community indicators. Indicators provide citizens with clear information about past trends and current challenges, and assist them in steering the community toward its vision.

Gifts of Its People

Healthy communities are places where the capacities of local residents are identified, valued, and used.  As one of the largest cities in Massachusetts, Fall River boasts a skilled and diversified workforce, the majority of whom are between the ages of 25 and 44. The city’s men and women are productive and highly motivated, and business training and educational programs are readily available and well utilized


But, the community also has many assets that can contribute to health, such as the availability of walkable streets, an excellent water supply and a widespread interest in participating in a variety of sports activities. The challenge of Healthy City Greater Fall River is to learn how to use these assets to address the known deficits. This Action Plan is the beginning of that process

Infrastructure –
New and Improved

The Greater Fall River Area is expanding and rebuilding its local infrastructure to provide city residents and visitors with more opportunities for learning, recreation, and other healthful activities.

For many more examples of these improvements click here.