Healthy City


Use this chronological listing to find the 2008 related activities and resources that address Healthy City Action Plan goals
  • To see a list of the 2012 Related Activities, click here
  • To see a list of the 2011 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2010 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2008 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2007 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2006 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2005 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2004 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2008-9 Action Priority projects, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2007-8 Action Priority projects, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2006-7 Action Priority projects, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2005-6 Action Priority projects, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2004-5 Action Priority projects, click here.


Fitness Challenge Warm-up Sign-in

Click here for the video

Fitness Challenge Warm-up News Event
Gang Prevention Training Session Oak Grove Cemetery History Walk
Ounce of Prevention Conference Awards Southcoast Cancer Care Center Open House
Safe Routes To School Preparation YouthBuild Mental Toughness Exercise
Lightolier Company Health Fair BOLD Mayoral Coffee Hour
Mass Partnership for Healthy Communities Forum VII Congressman James McGovern Visits Kuss Middle School Cafeteria
First Fitness Challenge Warm-up 27th NECON Conference on Promoting Prevention
Citizens For Citizens Head Start Activity Room Bristol Community College Health & Wellness Fair
Urban Parks Advocate Network Meeting Bristol Community College Personal Health Course Clean-up
Corrigan Mental Health Center Relay Race Trustees of Reservation Miller House Archeological Dig
Community Garden Assessment Massachusetts School of  Information Technology
Fall River Industrial Park Walking Route Opening Legislative Forum Breakfast
Slim Goodbody presentation at Silvia School Silvia School Farmers' Market

Click here for the video

Tansey School Farmers' Market

Click here for the video

Letourneau School Farmers' Market

Click here for the video

Doran School Farmers' Market

Click here for the video

Saint Anne's Smoking Cessation Clinic
Cooking Class for Kids Cooking Class for Parents
Mass Youth Forum Fall River-New Bedford Youth Training
Viveiros Traffic Hearing 25th Annual Christmas Parade
Heritage Holiday House Healthy City Design Team Meeting
Katie Brown Educational Program Open House Niagara-
Maplewood Senior Center Opening
Child Protection Annual Meeting World AIDS Day Event
Mass Public Health Association Fair Food Fair Play Conference Dr. Mary Flynn on Eating for the Holidays

Fall River Youth CHOICES organizational meeting Family Health and Wellness Fair @ Kuss Middle School
MPHA Policy Advocacy Workshop Watuppa Reservation Signage Project
Council on Sustainability Quarterly Meeting at UMass-D BOLD-TADA Sticker Shock Project
Government Center Stairwell Gallery Project Making Proud Choices Service Project
Voices for a Healthy Southcoast Safe Routes to School Presentation Youth Court Service Project
Youth Delegate Swearing-in Ceremony Youth Delegate Training Session


July 4th at Government Center July 4th Fireworks at Battleship Cove
July 5th at Government Center Health & Human Services Fair at Fa Diaferio Village
Discover Fall River Guided Tour News Event Healthy City Fall River Presentation to Taunton Health & Wellness Committee
Starship Adventures Reading Program at the Fall River Public Library Resident Reading Center at Heritage Heights Housing Development
Bank Street Neighborhood Association Block Party at the Salvation Army ACHIEVE Team Training in Alexandria, VA
Doolan Apartment Community Garden Opening Senior Farmers' Market Coupon Give-away
Watson School Garden Growth Family Service Association Farmers' Market
Sunset Hill Health Fair Highlands Clean-up
Healthy Heart Festival Healthy Communities Principles Awards
Youth Bill of Rights Invitation YEAH! Launch Party

Youth Bill Of Rights Ceremony

BOLD Mayoral Debate
Food Coupons at Ruggles Market CD-REC Summer Olympic Games
Art of Dining Stroll Children In Balance Teacher Training
Senior Food Coupon Trolley Tour Bristol Community College Kick-Off
Children In Balance Cafeteria Staff Training Narrows Festival of the Arts
Power2Save Lives Coalition Mass In Motion Press Event
Doran School Playground Equipment Leadership Southcoast
Corky Row Cancer Walk Transitional Assistance Resource Fair
Arts Around the Block Activate Southcoast YMCA
21st Century Summer Progeram Celebration YEAH! Fundraising Breakfast
YOUth VOICE Peace Flags  


Salsa Dancercise Class at Government Center Step It Up Walking Club at Saint Anne's Hospital
PLOT HEAT Club at CD_REC Seven Hills Fitness Challenge

Click here for the video

Patch Give-A-Way Posters Giunta 5K Race
Medical Response Summit BCC Human Services Opportunity Fair
Public Health and Medicine and Peak Oil Conference South Coast After Rail Conference
Community Development Week Celebration Children's Trust Fund Families Together
Child Care in Fall River YMCA Healthy Kids Day
Boys & Girls Club Stay In School Club Spring Break Fun Fest at CD-REC
Tree Planting Award Ceremony It's Arbor Day at the Fall River Library
CD-REC Baseball Clinic CD-REC Wrestling Clinic
Diabetes Association Latino Support Group On "Taking Control" Earth Day Clean-Up
Walnut Street Sidewalk Installation CD-REC Spring Sprint Fundraiser
Brockton "Ideas Into Action" Conference Unnatural Causes III Video Discussion
Peace By Piece Summit Review Meeting BOLD Coalition Meeting with the Lower Highlands Historic Downtown Neighborhood Association
Civic Engagement Summit at U-Mass-Dartmouth Government Center Health Check
SMILES Stop & Shop Tour CFC Family Child Care Nutrition Training "By the Book"
Fitness Workout at Battleship Cove Community Garden Planning at the Doolan Apartments
Fall River Fitness Challenge Finale at the Eagle Restaurant

Click here for the video & Fall River YOUth Zone web page launch
YMCA ACHIEVE CHART Team Meeting Saint Anne's Get Moving Walk
Bristol Community College Community Garden Planning Meeting Morton Middle School Civic Group
Youth Civic Engagement Celebration at UMass-D Watson School Vegetable Garden
Public Safety Day at Heritage State Park Brayton Avenue Tree Planting
Safe Routes To School Presentation at Viveiros Elementary School Shepherd's Center Buttercup Tea
Municipal Employee EAP Program Taunton Wild & Scenic River Celebration
SMILES Open House at Fonseca Elementary School Mass Promise Fellows Training
Bicycle Safety Day at CD-REC Youth Bill of Rights Planning Meeting
Diabetes Association Walk for Camp Kyle United Neighbors Foster Care Walk
City Clean-up Projects Friends of Oak Grove Cemetery Tree Planting
BOLD Youth Arts YEAH! Project Planning Community Garden Construction
BOLD Annual Meeting BOLD Good Neighbor Awards
Kuss Middle School Reading Celebration Promise Leaders of Tomorrow Clean-up at North Park
HEAT Club @ Greene and Watson Schools Children In Balance Farmers' Market at Greene School
Healthy Dining Participating Restaurant Announcement Senior Food & Fitness to Sharpen Your Memory
Municipal Employee Massage Demonstration Peaceful Coalition at Camp Yomechas
Family Fun and Fitness Day at Viveiros School Healthy Cooking Class at CD-REC
CD-REC Summer Kick-off at Ruggles Park DRIVE Program Tree Planting at Kennedy Park
Downtown Peace Walk YouthBuild Graduation
Colirectal Cancer Prevention Presentation at Saint Anne's Hospital Fourth Street Tree Planting
New Kuss Middle School Opening Day Children In Balance Principals' Meeting
Pathways and Partners Conference at White's Niagara and Maplewood Neighborhood Association Presentations
Fall River Youth Court Community Benefits Conference Presentations


Fitness Challenge Kick-off Fitness Challenge Wellness Fair and Weigh-in
Cardiovascular Health Program at Kuss Middle School BOLD Open House and Volunteer Celebration
SMILES Program at the Fonseca School 1000 Valentines for Veterans
YouthBuild Community Services Project Team F.R.E.S.H. Community Service Project
MLK Day of Service Celebration Healthy Youth Task Force Planning
Sledding at North Park Jump Rope for Heart at Letourneau School
BOLD Youth Arts Project Narcan Training
Heart Health and Stress Conference National Mentoring Month
Cardio Kickboxing Class at CD_REC Care Coordination for the Homeless at HealthFirst Family Care Center
Diabetes Association Healthy Cooking Demo Zumba Classes at the YMCA
Remember Your Heart at Government Center Second Fitness Challenge Event 
CFC Making Proud Choices Fourth Fitness Challenge Event
Third Fitness Challenge Event at the YMCA 


Welcome to the Fall River YOUthZone Web Site
Unnatural Causes Video Discussion Southcoast Patch Give-Away 
BCC Obesity and Diabetes Information Event Job Search Training at Durfee High School


Fall River As I See It Photo Display 5th Fitness Challenge Event

Click here for the video


Medical Reserve Corps Training


Miles for Smiles Fundraising Event


Dance Contestt at CD-REC Flint Senior Center Healthy Aging Group


Falcon Football Sign-up Abs Course at CD-REC
Healthy Fall River By Design Conference

Click here for the video 

Youth Bill of Rights Planning
Youth of the Year Award Ships Cove Workout Room
Regional Conference on Sustainable Food Plant and Seed Selection with Derek Christianson

Peace by Piece Summit Latino Grocery Shopping Trip
Gang Prevention Workshop Cyber Bullying Prevention Presentation
Seton Academy Zumbathon ABCs of Children's Weight Management

To see videos of her presentation: click here for the introduction

To return to the Health City Fall River Main Page, click here.