Healthy City


Use this chronological listing to find the related activities and resources that address Healthy City Action Plan goals
  • To see a list of the 2012 Related Activities, click here
  • To see a list of the 2011 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2009 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2008 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2007 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2006 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2005 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2004 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2008-9 Action Priority projects, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2007-8 Action Priority projects, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2006-7 Action Priority projects, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2005-6 Action Priority projects, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2004-5 Action Priority projects, click here.


Williams Street Clean-up Walk to School Day at the Greene School

Click here to see the video

Walk to School Day at Spencer Borden Elementary School

Click here to see the video

Brief Negotiated Interview Training
Wednesday Running Club at People Incorporated Award Winners at the Ounce of Prevention Conference

  Click here for a video

Police Dialogue with the Peaceful Coalition Health Promotion at the South Coast Business Expo
NE Governors' Conference for Health Promotion and Prevention

Click here for a video

Family Advocacy and Community Education (FACE) Open House at PI
Bristol Community College Wellness Fair Peace By Piece Summit Planning
Basketball Clinic at the Boys' and Girls' Club Diabetes Prevention and Management with Rose Marie Couto, RN, CDE

videos Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV and Part V

Make A Difference Day at the Boys' and Girls' Club Make A Difference Day at Griffin Park
TADA's Sticker Shock Project Make A Difference Day at North Park
Totally Healthy Halloween Party at the Diabetes Association TADA's Tobacco Survey
SSTAR SAMHSA Grant Announcement Fitness Challenge Halloween Walk Around Kennedy Park
Cyclists Connecting SouthCoast Communities

Click here for a  video

Child Protection Council Annual Meeting
VOICES for a Healthy Southcoast Planning Meetings Healthy Thanksgiving Cooking Class


Allied Waste Fitness Center Flu Vaccination at Government Center
Community Development Recreation Basketball Mass Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Conference
Graffiti Mural Painting UIA Action at St. Mary's School
UIA Action with Brazilian and Hispanic Immigrants

Click here to see the video 

Open Studio Tour for the Holidays


Children's Holiday Parade Rock 4 Xmas Fundraiser at CD-REC
HealthFirst Family Care Center Groundbreaking 21st Century Gathering at the Tradewinds
Visit from Franklin Mass In Motion Staff Communities Building a Sustainable Region Conference
Community Resilience and Recovery Initiative Meeting at SSTAR Veggie Mobile at Mitchell Heights


Plant & Seed Selection at Oak Village Fitness Challenge VI
Get Steppin' 5K Fundraiser for the Homeless Sam Sutter's Sail To Prevail Program
Health & Human Services Fair at Father Diaferio Village My Turn Drop-out Prevention Program New Location
Summer Olympics Preparation Summer Olympics at Durfee Fieldhouse
Homeless Connect Project at BCC

Click here for the video

Eat 2 The Beat at the Gates of the City
Church of the Holy Spirit Community Garden Intergenerational Gardening Project
Farmers' Market Tokens EBT Farmers' Market Token Exchange
HealthFirst Family Care Center New Building Purchase Announcement Increase The Peace Youth Summit
Fall River to New Bedford Bicycle Trip Planning Fitness Challenge Warm-up Sign-up
Arts Around The Block Interenational Peace Day Peace Pole Planting at UMass-Dartmouth
Disability Awareness Day at Government Center Domestic Violence Awareness Peace Pole Lighting
CROP Walk at United Parish Ex-Smokers' Hall of Fame
Harvest Festival at Heritage State Park NAMI Mental Illness Awareness Week
Harvest Festival Halloween Parade Open House at the Boys' and Girls' Club
Oral Health Connection to Health Training at SSTAR Prescription Medication Take-Back
Father Kelley Park Tree Planting Rethinking Transportation: Moving Toward Sustainability Forum


Plant & Seed Selection at Oak Village Fitness Challenge VI
Giunta 5K Race YouthBuild Groundbreaking
City Pier Clean-up Announcement SMILES Oral Health Presentation
Southeastern Massachusetts Regional Health Dialogue Multiple Education Blueprint Conference at White's
Talbot Middle School Cardio Kickboxing Seaton Academy Zumba-thon
YMCA Healthy Kids' Day Saint Anne's Decoding Diabetes at Diman Regional High School
Healthy City Spring Conference Workshops Healthy City Spring Conference Luncheon
Regional Sustainability Conference at BCC Healthy City Spring Conference Trolley Tour
Cardiac Rehab at Saint Anne's Hospital Final 2010 Fitness Challenge Event
Civic Engagement Summit at UMass-D Talbot Middle School Garden Planting
Peace Pole Planting at Griffin Park Children in Balance Leadership Institute
Leadership SouthCoast Healthcare Access Forum Child Protection Council Prescription Drug Abuse Workshop
Saint Anne's Hospital Get Moving 5K Fundraiser Children In Balance Leadership Institute
Walk to School Day at Spencer Borden Elementary School Fitness Challenge Finale at the Eagle
Youth Civic Engagement Summit at UMassD Niagara and Lower Highlands Neighborhood Clean-ups
Healty City Presentations to the Women's Union and to the Family Service Association Cook Pond Clean-up
YEAH! Found Art Project City-wide Park Clean-up Picnic
America's Promise Day Event at CD-REC Project YES Grant Announcement
Fonseca Elementary School Farmers' Market

Click here for the video

Durfee Opportunity Fair
HealthFirst Fun In The Sun Event Spencer Borden Elementary School Farmers' Market

Click here for the video

Oak Grove Cemetery Tree Planting Camp Kyle 5K Fundraiser Walk
Early Intervention Healthy Choices Program CD-REC Putting Fore Promises Fundraiser
Gates of the City 5K Race Healthy Communities Conference and Mass Forum Awards

Click here for Part I  and here for Part II videos of Tyler Norris

Youth CHOICES Funapalooza

Click here for the video

Route 79 Improvement Study
People Incorporated Walk Across America Kennedy Farmers' Market
Park Advocates Meeting Mommy and Me Reunion
CD-REC Kick-off to Summer BOLD Prescription Drug Take-Back Announcement
BOLD Prescription Drug Take-Back Event BOLD Annual Meeting
Bank Street Neighborhood Clean-up Children In Balance Final Principals' Meeting
Kick-off to a Peaceful Summer

Click here for the video

Workforce Investment Board Employer Education Event
Peace Walk to Britland Park

Click here for the video

Peace Walk Festival at Britland Park
Public Hearing on Open Space and Recreation Pathways and Partners Conference
Corky Row Neighborhood Appreciation Day Old Second Street Farmers' Market Meeting


Mayoral Reception Inaugural Festivities
Fitness Challenge Kick-off Fitness Challenge Weigh-in
Peace By Piece Planning Meeting Youth CHOICES Meeting 
Worksite Health Resolutions 2010 Conference Neighborhood Market Survey Training
Reis Meat Market Survey Oriental Market Survey
Martin Luther King Jr Days of Service Celebration Martin Luther King Jr Days of Service Activities
BOLD Planning Meeting Leadership SouthCoast Social Services Day
South Coast Rail Station Workshop Homelessness Prevention Task Force
First Fitness Challenge 2010 Challenge Nutrition Q&A

Click here for the video

Shannon Grant Press Event Nutrition and Heart Disease Conference
Basketball Instruction at the Boys & Girls' Club Healthy Taste of Fall River
Children In Balance Principals' Meeting Governor Patrick at the Eagle
YouthBuild Tomorrow's Leaders Today HealthFirst Give Kids a Smile Day
Access to Health Care Brazilian & Spanish Presentation Second 2010 Fitness Challenge

Click here for the video

Shannon Grant Testimony Winter Games at CD-REC
Fitness Challenge at the Industrial Park Cable TV Cooking Show Taping
Hunger Banquet at Kuss Middle School Senior Dance at CD-REC
Healthy City Fall River on Family Focus Peace Pole Planting at Government Center
Fitness Challenge at Government Center YouthBuild Basketball Tournament
Youth CHOICES March Meeting Addictions Symposium at BCC
Fitness Challenge IV WSAR Health Fair at White's
Social Games at Kuss Middle School SMILES New staff at the Design Team Meeting
Miles For SMILES Fundraiser at UMass Neighborhood Walkability in the Historic Downtown
Incredible Years Parenting Education Presentation BOLD Kick Butts Day Demonstration in Boston
Boys & Girls Club Youth of the Year Selection Fitness Challenge V
BOLD Town Hall Meeting at Bristol Community College VOICES for a Healthy SouthCoast Tour with Mark Fenton
VOICES for a Healthy SouthCoast Summit Peace By Piece Summit at Kuss Middle School
Easter Egg Hunt at the Fall River Housing Authority    

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