Healthy City


Use this chronological listing to find the related activities and resources that address Healthy City Action Plan goals
  • To see a list of the 2014 Related Activities, click here
  • To see a list of the 2013 Related Activities, click here
  • To see a list of the 2012 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2010 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2009 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2008 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2007 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2006 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2005 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2004 Related Activities, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2008-9 Action Priority projects, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2007-8 Action Priority projects, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2006-7 Action Priority projects, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2005-6 Action Priority projects, click here.
  • To see a list of the 2004-5 Action Priority projects, click here.


Bicycle Ride through Historic Fall River Boys and Girls Club Kick-off and Open House

Click here for a two-minute video

Heritage State Park Harvest Festival

Click here for a one-minute video

Partners for a Healthier Community Panel on FRC-TV

Click here for the video

Mental Illness Awareness Week Candlelight Vigil

Click here to see a video of the vigil

Veggie-Mobile at the O'Brien High Rise Apartment
International Walk to School Day at Nine Elementary Schools

Click here to see a video of the event. 

14th Annual Ounce of Prevention Conference

Click here for the video

Domestic Violence Awareness Day at Government Center New Bedford Health Equity Initiative Announcment

Click here for a one hour video 

Employee Health Fair at Lightolier

Click here to see a short video

Disabilities Awareness Day at Government Center
Father Travassos Park Clean-up Shannon Grant Application Process
BOLD Annual Meeting 100 Best Communities for Youth Award

Click here for the video

Public Safety Tour and Forum

Click here to listen to a video of Michael Nehm's testimony

Warren to Swansea and Somerset Bike Ride
Father Kelly Neighborhood Association Family Fun Day Council of Churches Crop Walk 
Bike Path Talk at the North End Neighborhood Association Worksite Wellness at the Southcoast Business Expo
12th Annual Legislative Breakfast

 Click here for the video

Boys and Girls Club Foodraiser
Inter-CHNA Gathering

Click here to see a video

Peace Pole Planting at Family Service Association
Government Center Staircase Gallery Photo Exhibit Corky Row Neighborhood Association Turkey Race
Mad Science at the Doran Elementary School

Click here for a video of the event 

Candlelight Vigil for the Homeless

Click here to see a video of Kate Marin leading the group in song


Mass In Motion at the Detroit Equity Summit After-school Boot Camp at the Spencer-Borden Elementary School

Click here to see a video.


27th Annual Holiday Children's Parade

 Click here for the video

Public Art Projects by YEAH! Project Students
Medical Reserve Corps Announcement of National Coverage Flu Shots at Government Center
Cardiovascular Screening at the Fall River Dept of Public Works Urban Forestry Workshop at Government Center


Smoking Cessation at the Fall River Housing Authority

Tree Pruning Workshop at Father Kelly Park

Healthy City Fall River Design Team Meeting Christmas At Kennedy Park


    Community Supported Agriculture at Saint Anne's Hospital


July 4th Fireworks at Battleship Cove

Click here for a video

Plymouth Avenue Clean-up
Trustees of Reservations South Coast Youth Corps

Click here for a video

UMass Extension Nutrition Educators at the Wesport Town Farm

Click here for the video 

UMass Extension Food Demo at the Downtown Farmers' Market

Click here for the video 

Fa Travassos Park Neighborhood Clean-up
Neighborhood Fun Day at Kennedy Park

Click here for a video

21st Century Project-Based Learning Workshop
Pulaski Park Summer Activity Program 21st Century Summer Program at the Greene School

 Safe Routes to School Presentation at the Greene School

Click here for a video

 UMass Extension Food Demonstration with Quonsett Farms

Click here for the video

Sailing with kids from Camp Jack  Heroes of Peace Award Recipients Announced

Click here for a video

Massachusetts Recreational Trails Grant Program Presentation at Government Center Doolan Apartment Garden Dedication
Peace Pole Dedication at Seven Hills Behavioral Health

Click here for a five-minute video

21st Century Sailing Classes at Battleship Cove
  Street Striping on Eastern Avenue

Click here for a short video

National Night Out at Griffin Park

Click here for a video

Soda-free Summer Pledge Campaign Talk at the 21st Century Summer Program Senior Farmers' Market Coupon Distribution
UMass Extension Sorbet Cooking Demonstration

Click here for a video

UMass Extension Visit to the Canuel Farm

Click here for a  video 

What's Cookin' Support Group at the May Institute UMass Extension Summer Vegetable Fried Rice Cooking Demo

Click here for the video

2011 Summer Olympics at Durfee High School

Click here for a video

Homeless Connect Event at Bristol Community College
Activities at the Boys' and Girls' Club at Camp Welch Soda-free Summer Campaign Talk at Camp Welch
Kids' World Festival at Heritage State Park UMass Cooking Demo:
Corn Chowder

Click here for the video

UMass Cooking Demo: Apple Cheese Sandwich

Click here for the video


Veggie-mobiles at the Senior High Rises
Bioreserve Walk Get Steppin' 5K Fundraiser

Click here for a video 

Veterans' Memorial Bridge Bikeway Connection

Click here for a video

YouthBuild "Green" House Completion
Farmers' Market Week at the Downtown Market

Click here for the video 

25th Annual Holy Ghost Feast

Click here for a short video 

Outdoor Art Gallery Contest Winners on Display American Dairy Association Fuel Up to Play 60 Presentation
Mass In Motion Project Tour of Fall River

Click here for a video

Soda-free Summer Pledge Results
Mass. Public Health Association Act FRESH Campaign Planning Pvt. Bouthot Bike Path Opens on the Veterans Memorial Bridge

Click here for a short video

Plymouth CHNA Planning Meeting UMass Nutrition Education Pumpkin Dip Cooking Demo at Ruggles Park

Click here for the video

Day of Caring Clean-up at the Plymouth Avenue 195 Exit  HealthFirst Beam Signing Event

Click here for the video

City Councilor Eric Poulin Joins the East Bay Bike Ride

Click here for the video 



Giunta 5K Road Race with Amy Jones' Team

Click here to see a video

UIA Public Action at St. Mary's School.

Click here for the video 


NECON Conference on Health Literacy

Click here for a video  

Latino Health & Human Service Presentations at McGoverns'
Sam Sutter's Baseball Clinic at Durfee High School Violence Prevention Week at Durfee High School
Park Improvements Announced Credit For Life at Durfee High School.

Click here for a video  

Sexual Assault Prevention and Child Abuse Prevention Month Litter Enforcement Initiative Announced

Click here for the video  

Copicut Neighborhood Association Meeting

Click here for the video 

YEAH! Art Class at the Resiliency School

Click here for a one-minute video

 Fitness Challenge Event IX Loop Walk & Run

Click here for the video 

Cedar Tree Planting in the Copicut Woods

Click here for the video

Food For Thought: Rethinking Food at Meetings and Events 

Click here for a video  

Homeless Services Discussion
SMILES Egg Drop Contest at Kuss Middle School Civic Engagement Conference at UMassD

Click here for a one-hour video of the event

Diabetes Youth Organization Meeting at CD-REC Fitness Challenge Yoga Class at CD-REC
BOLD TADA Sticker Shock Project Peace Pole Planting at Bristol Community College
Fitness Challenge XI Workout

Click here for the video  

Brief Intervention and Referral Training at St. Luke's

Click here for the video  

LEADS Book Drive at Morton Middle School

Click here for the video  

Groundwork Presentation at the Boys & Girls Clum
Quequechan River Bike Path Planning Meeting Fall River/
New Bedford Bike Ride Planning Meeting
21st Century Summer Program Planning Meeting Fonseca Elementary School Make Healthy Fun Fair

Click here to see the  video  

National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Hearts and Minds Program Park Advocates City Park Clean-up

BOLD Prescription Drug Take-Back Event 

Child Protection Council Bullying Prevention Training
Arbor Day Tree Planting Community Garden Composting and Vermiculture Presentation
Worksite Wellness: The Future Is Now! Conference

Click here for a link to
videos of the presentations  
Outdoor Art Gallery Announcement
Fitness Challenge XI Airport Road Run/Walk

Click here for the video

Massachusetts Walk-to-School Day

Click here for the video

Diabetes Education at Heritage State Park

Click here
see a
video of Ms. Couto's presentation and here for Ms. Hammontree's. 
Diman Regional High School Walk for Cancer

Click here for the video

Cook Pond Clean-up

Click here for a video

McGowan Street Tree Planting

Click here for a video

UMass Bike Ride from Fall River & New Bedford

Click here for a video of the ride

Cancer Prevention Grant Planning Session
Bristol Community College Garden Preparation Project Assist Job Club Meeting
Healthy Chef Challenge at People Incorporated

Click here for a 5-minute video of the event

SMILES Visit to Battleship Cove

Click here for a video

Fall River Fitness Challenge 2011 Finale

Click here for the video of the event

Citizens-Union Savings Bank Employee Wellness Downtown Walk

Click here for a video

YEAH! Photo Class at the Resiliency School

Click here for a  video of the class

Aging and Mental Health Conference at Whilte's Restaurant
7th Annual Partnership for a Heart-Healthy Stroke-Free MA Annual Meeting

Click here for a  video

Gates of the City 5K Race

Click here for a video

  Doolan Apartment and Oak Village Apartment Community Garden Planting Soda-free Summer Pledge Campaign Announcement

Click here to see a video

Early Intervention Program Spring Fling at the Boys & Girls Club Bristol Community College Civic Engagement Awards
Bank Street Neighborhood Community Garden Planting with Congressman Jim McGovern Shepherd Center Buttercup Tea at United Parish
United Interfaith Action at St.Michael's Parish Hall Healthy City Fall River Poster Presentation at the Society for Commuity Research & Action Conference in Chicago
LEADS Peace Pole "Planting" at Kuss Middle School Saint Anne's Hospital "Decoding Diabetes" Health Fair at the Venus de Milo
Kick-off to a Peaceful Summer Event at CD-REC

Click here for the video 

Kick-off to a Peaceful Summer Event Break-Dancing at CD-REC
CD-REC Kick-off to Summer at Ruggles Park

Click here for a video by Patrick Mulgrew 

Soda-free Summer Pledge Campaign Sign-ups

Click here for a video by Patrick Mulgrew

Neighborhood Fun Day at Lafayette Park

Click here for a video

CD-REC Lunch & Park Program Kick-off at Pulaski Park
WIC Nutrition Demo at Ruggles Park Farmers Market

Click here for a video.

First Congregational Church Community Garden

Walking the Distance for Diabetes Fundraiser Walk

YEAH! Art Exhibit at Government Center

Click here for a video 

Downtown Farmers' Market Resource Fair

Click here for a video

Park Advocates Adopt-A-Park Workshop


First Day Polar Plunge at Sandy Beach

Click here for the video

First Day Family Festival in Kennedy Park
Fitness Challenge Press Event

Click here for the video 

Fitness Challenge Kick-off Weigh-in at CD-REC

Click here for the video

Legislative Luncheon at the First Step Inn VOICES for a Healthy Southcoast Cancer Prevention Planning Meeting
Public Works Month Declaration 21st Century Futsol Program at the Doran School
Lunch Line Scan Cards at the Doran School Smoke-Free Campuses
Physical Education Teachers' Planning Meeting Children At Play Program at WORD Inc Child Development Center
Routes 79  & 195 Interface Planning Clean the Bay Project
Fitness Challenge at General Fitness

Click here  video of the event.

Shoveling Assistancy from YouthBuild 
Leap N Learn at W.O.R.D. Inc. Give Kids A Smile Day at HealthFirst
Outdoor Adventures at People, Incorporated Healthy Body Cleanse with Chef Jessica Williams
Fitness Challenge at the YMCA

Click here for the video of the event.

Children's Healthy Heart Festival
Challenge Team Captains Report Progress Southcoast Bicycle Summit

Click here for the video

Low-carb Lunch at People, Incorporated LEADS Sustainability Project
CMCA-BOLD Social Marketing Training Spencer Borden Healthy Kids Klub Rally
GroundWork USA Overivew Presentation Mad Science at CD-REC

Click here for the

Winter Olympics at CD-REC

Click here for the video.

V-Day Monologues at the Eagle

Click here for the video

Challenge Previous Winners

Click here for the video

Peak the Plaza Stairclimb race
Cities of Service Brainstorming Session at Government Center Pharmacy Ban on Tobacco Sales Presentation to the Ordinance Committee
Resource Assistance Center Opening 

Click here for the video

Spencer Borden Healthy Kids Klub Walk to School
  Parmacy Tobacco Ban Public Imput to the City Council Passage of the Tobacco Ban Ordinance

Click here for the  

Commissioner Auerbach's Regional Health Dialogue

Click here for the  

MCAR Commissioner Soares' Visit

Click here for the

National Nutrition Month Luncheon at HealthFirst

Click here for a brief

Family Fitness and Fun Day at UMass-D

Click here for the

Firefighters' Artwork at the Staircase Gallery

Click here for the

Project Assist at Government Center
Peace Pole Planting at the FRPD Miles for SMILES fundraiser at UMass-D

Click here for the

Fall River Community Television Open House

Community Transformation Grant Meeting at MA DPH

Fitness Challenge V at the YMCA Peace By Piece Summit at Kuss M.S.

Click here to see the   video

Senior Dance at CD-REC Meeting with Farmers' Market Farmers
Fun Bus at WORD Inc. Child Development Center Battleship Cove Planning Process
Fitness Challenge VI

Click here for the video  

LEADS Nutrition & Fitness Project

To see a list of the 2010 Related Activities, click here.

To return to the Health City Fall River Main Page, click here.