Partners' Low Carb Resources

The following videos and web page links provide the background on why reducing dietary carbohydrates not only leads to greater weight loss but also to a whole host of health benefits. Many also explain how we got into the low-fat myth that has misdirected American and world-wide eating patterns and fueled the obesity pandemic. For more about low-carb eating, go to Low-carb Questions.  

Videos produced by Greater Fall River Partners for a Healthier Community, Inc.:


Click here
to see Dr. Weed present at the Bristol Community College employee wellness group on "How to Lose Weight without Going Hungry". Click here for the web page.

Click here to see Dr. Weed and Southcoast Registered Dietitian Amanda Raposo present at the 2016 Massachusetts Dietetic Association Nutrition Convention on "Why do we continue to recommend limitations on dietary fatsWhat is the current evidence?" Click here for the web page.

Click here to see a one-hour presentation on "A Low-carbohydrate, Whole Food Approach to Diabetes Treatment" presented by Dr. Weed at the Fall River YMCA. Click here for another similar presentation. Click here for the web page and here for the PowerPoint slides from the presentation.

Click here to see a twenty-minute presentation on "How to End the Obesity and Diabetes Crisis in America and the World " presented by Dr. Weed to the the Fall River Rotary Club. Click here  for the web page and here for the PowerPoint slides from the presentation.



"Fed Up on the Southcoast," a 20-minute video that explains the causes of the obesity epidemic and what to do about it. 

(Click here for the web page)



Presentation to the Massachusetts Public Health Association on weight loss and treatment of diabetes with Dr. David Weed & Amanda Raposo, R.D.     

(Click here for the web page)

Click here for a one-hour video of Award-winning science writer Gary Taubes'  presentation at UMass Medical School (Click here for the web page)

  Dr. David Ludwig speaks on his book, "Always Hungry?" at the New Bedford Whaling Museum 
(Click here for the web page)


Low Carb Lessons:

Click here for the Low Carb Lessons page that features over 20 classes on low-carb eating taught by Dr. Weed

Low Carb videos on the web:

Click here for over two dozen videos posted on the web that relate to low-carb eating



Low Carb web sites:


Authority Nutrition, which gives straight, easy-to-understand answers about low-carb eating, each backed up by links to the original research., a terrific web site by Andraes Einsfelt, MD, who details the latest news on low-carb eating.


Don't miss a dozen more videos from Jimmy Moore at


Big Fat Lies


Why You Got Fat


Bologna: Animal Fat Will Kill You


Bologna: Animal Fat Will Kill You, Part 2


Bologna: Animal Fat Will Kill You, Part 3


Bologna: Animal Fat Will Kill You, Part 4


Bologna: Grains Are Good For You


Bologna: Grains Are Good For You, Part 2


Drs. Michael & Mary Eades: Diets and Hunger


Sally Falllon: Sugar and Starch


Sally Fallon: Fats and Oils


Sally Fallon: CSPI's Popcorn Scare


Tom Naughton: Big Fat Fiasco


Oregon University's Dr. John Purnell speaks about  fructose


Diet soda may raise odds of vascular events; salt linked to stroke risk




Low Carb audio sites


Listen to Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian talk about the current shift in Dietary Guideline recommendations on the NPR show, "Here and Now"




Listen to On Point Radio with Tom Ashbrook as he interviews Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, Dr. Stephanie Coulter, Mark Bittman and Dr. David Katz about new research showing saturated fat is not harmful to heart health.


Listen to On Point Radio with Tom Ashbrook as he interviews Dr. Lydia Bazzano, Dr. David Katz, Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian and Michael Moss about new research showing greater weight loss with low-carb diets vs. low-fat diets.


Listen to Dr. David Ludwig on Boston Public Radio explain why the winners of The Biggest Loser TV show regain their weight and why eating more fat and fewer carbs would help.


The Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Show


and to listen to the show featuring Dr. David Weed of Fall River, click below




Low Carb books


The Big Fat Surprise  by Nina Teicholz who writes a compelling history of how we learned to avoid fat, to our peril.


Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes who traces the errors in research that led us to believe that fat was bad for our health.


Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes who gives a less detailed history of what he write in the above for those who want to read less.


The Case Against Sugar by Gary Taubes who describes how sugar has become ubiquitous in our diet and a potential cause of diabetes


Protein Power by Michael and Mary Eades that explains how low carb diets work and why they are good for your health.



Low Carb articles


Is this any way to lose weight? Readers Digest Article


Links to  summaries of research article abstracts:


Research Support


Atkins Diet


New York Times

Click here for a link to Gary Taub's 2002 New York Times article "What if it's all been a Big Fat Lie?" 



Low Carb PowerPoint presentations by Dr. Weed

Click here for a link to a PowerPoint on the Essential Principles of Low Carb Diets.


Click here for a link to a PowerPoint on A Low-Carbohydrate Approach to Managing Diabetes.



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