Healthy City Fall River 2004

Application for Micro-Grant Funding


Healthy City Fall River is a cooperative venture between Partners for a Healthier Community, Inc., and the Mayor's Office of the City of Fall River. Our effort mirrors similar projects in communities across the nation and around the world - people coming together to work cooperatively to solve problems and improve the health and quality of life for the entire community. In December, 2003, Healthy City Fall River was awarded a grant of $18,800 by the Harvard-Pilgrim Healthcare Foundation; $2,500 of that award was designated for the award of Micro-grants to stimulate new community involvement.


This proposal seeks to increase the degree of participation by members of diverse populations in community-based projects that address the underlying causes of poor health. The City of Fall River, a community of long-standing ethnic and linguistic diversity and recent immigration (especially Portuguese, Cambodian and Brazilian populations), is also rapidly becoming more racially diverse (African-American from 2% to 8%, Asian from under 1% to 5% and Hispanic from under 1% to 9.5% in the past ten years). With this greater diversity, the population is more likely to experience greater degrees of health disparities that affect these populations, such as increased rates of tobacco use and obesity and their resultant conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Though there are a number of health and human service organizations providing care and treatment to these populations, very few of the local residents are engaged in voluntary efforts to improve many of the underlying conditions that lead to these health disparities.

The Healthy Fall River Initiative specifically aims to address some of the social determinants of ill health among Fall River residents through asset-based community development activities. Examples of this type of activity include efforts to promote safe and healthy neighborhoods, to improve the local environment and to increase recreational opportunities for youth, to increase community commitment to education, and to enhance community planning and affordable housing opportunities.

Specifically, this request invites new participants, especially those from ethnic and linguistic minorities, to submit proposals to address one or more of the following Action Priority Areas:

Safety & Substance abuse

    1. Increased community policing and personal safety
    2. A drug-free community, including enforcement of tobacco regulations
    3. Reduction of gangs


    1. Cleaner streets and parks
    2. Increased and improved recreational opportunities for youth and adults
    3. Measures to ensure cleaner air and water

Health Education

    1. Nutrition and diabetes education
    2. Tobacco education
    3. Physical fitness education

Adult Education Job Training & Employment

    1. Adult and out-of-school youth education
    2. Alternative programs including tutoring, drop-out prevention and after-school programs
    3. Youth and senior employment and volunteerism

Community Planning & Housing

    1. Affordable housing
    2. Waterfront access
    3. Improvements in recreation facilities for youth and adults

What will be funded?

Activities that address one, or more than one, of the above Action Priorities are eligible for funding. Applicants must, however, identify the specific Priority(ies) and must describe how the City is expected to benefit from the activity. Although existing groups are eligible to apply, the activity must be a new activity and must have an achievable outcome by March 31, 2005.

Who will be eligible to submit an application?

Individuals and groups made up of people who live or work in the City will be eligible to submit application. Groups do not have to be incorporated. Individuals or groups representing linguistic or ethnic minority populations within the City are especially encouraged to apply, and projects that involve participation of people from cultural or linguistic minorities within the City will be rated more highly.

How much will be awarded?

Grants in amounts up to $500 will be awarded. Funding will generally be distributed in two payments, unless other arrangements are made. The first payment will be made at the start of the project; the second payment will be made at a point agreed upon by Healthy City Fall River and the grantee and will be contingent upon the satisfactory progress of the project.

How will planning and evaluation take place?

Each project will be required to establish a brief plan for evaluating effectiveness or "success" which will be reviewed verbally between Partners and the grantee prior to the second funding installment. A brief written report will be required at the completion of the project. Assistance in this process will be provided to all successful applicants.

Will there be a written agreement?

Grantees will receive an award agreement from Partners summarizing the requirements under the Micro-Grant program. This agreement must be signed before any funds are distributed. It is important to note that none of the Micro-Grant program money may be used for a political campaign or for lobbying activities.

Who will review the applications?

Applications will be reviewed by a committee selected by the Mayor's Office and Partners for a Healthier Community, Inc. Grants will be awarded according to the criteria established by this group considering all factors and maintaining the fairest possible process for awarding of the micro-grants. Award decisions, however, will remain final and further appeal will not be possible.

How can I get answers to questions?

Two identical informational meetings to explain the Micro-grant application process will take place on Tuesday, April 27th, 2004, one at 2:00 p.m. in Room 508 at the Fall River Government Center and another at 6:00 p.m. in the first floor café off the main lobby in Government Center. Questions about the application process may be directed to Maureen Estes, in the Health Office, 4th Floor, Government Center, by calling 508-324-2405 or e-mailing her at prior to April 27th.

What is the application process?

Application forms may be obtained during normal business hours from the Health Department, 4th Floor, Fall River Government Center or from the Partners web site, Completed applications must be delivered no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 14, 2004, to the Public Health office, 4th Floor, Government Center, Fall River, MA, or be postmarked no later than May 14, 2004. Applications will be reviewed and final awards announced by June 1, 2004.

Will the activity be publicized?

Healthy City Fall River will acknowledge successful micro-grant awardees and publicize their funded activities.





Healthy City Fall River

2004 Micro-Grant Application


Name of the Project: ______________________________________________________

Applicant Information

Organization Name: ______________________________________________________

Contact Person: __________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________ Telephone: ____________________

_________________________________ E-mail: _______________________


Briefly describe yourself or your organization_________________________________







What activity are you proposing to do and how will the City benefit?________________






How much money are you requesting? ________________________________________

How will this money be spent? ______________________________________________











When will this activity take place? ___________________________________________





When do you expect to complete the activity?__________________________________


Which of the five Action Priority Areas does this activity address?

____ Safety & Substance abuse

____ Environment

____ Health Education

____ Adult Education Job Training & Employment

____ Community Planning & Housing

Mail or submit the completed application to the Fall River Health Dept., 4th Floor, One Government Center, Fall River, MA 02722 by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 14, 2004.