Healthy Dining Program
In order to promote healthier nutrition among people who live
or work in the City of Fall River, the Healthy City Fall River initiative has established a voluntary designation for food establishments who wish to be known as offering choices of nutritious foods in a healthy environment.

This program is modeled after others in Massachusetts and across the nation that seek to improve health by increasing the availability of nutrition information to consumers and by expanding the range of choices offered by food vendors.

There is no requirement that any establishment participate in this program nor any penalty for not participating.

Why a Healthy Dining Program?

Healthy Dining Program Criteria

Healthy Dining Program Application Process

The need for a Healthy Dining Program in Fall River food establishments is based on the known information that the majority of meals are now consumed outside the home and, that, compared with the rest of Massachusetts, a greater percentage of people in Fall River, are overweight*, and consume fewer than five servings of fruits and vegetables daily*.

Each of these factors contribute to the higher rates of heart disease* and diabetes* among City residents

(*See Leading Health Indicators)

To see a list of locally-owned Fall River restaurants that are participating in the Healthy Dining Program, click here.

To access the National Restaurant Association's Healthy Dining Finder for national chain restaurant menus, click here.


The Healthy Dining Program recognizes that the latest nutrition guidelines have placed a greater emphasis on increasing fruits and vegetables in the diet, as well as on consuming a moderately low-fat diet.

The Healthy Dining Program criteria support healthful eating and are appropriate for the majority of the population, however, persons with allergies, chronic conditions requiring a therapeutic diet, or highly restricted nutrient intakes should see their physician and a registered dietitian for an individualized nutrition plan and information about their individual nutritional needs.

In order to participate in the
program, food establishments
must submit an application that documents that the establishment:

1. Has no unresolved health code violations

2. Has an appropriate food health license

3. Enforces no-smoking laws within the establishment

4. Offers at least two choices of fruits and/or vegetables (other than potatoes)

5. Allows substitution of salad or other vegetables for fried potatoes (e.g. French fries)

6. Clearly designates low-fat and low-calorie menu items when offered

7. Offers 1% or skim milk when milk is offered as a beverage

8. Offers some dishes in a smaller portion size (e.g., half portion sizes)


Applicants must certify that if any of the conditions change, the designation will be forfeited.

Applications are available in the Health Office, 4th floor, Government Center. A designation will be provided within thirty days after the application is received.

Successful applicants will receive up to six 4" circular stickers designating the facility as a Participating Partner in the Healthy City initiative and an electronic file that can be used to place the symbol on menus or advertisements.

Unsuccessful applicants can appeal the decision by providing additional information and/or having a face-to-face meeting to resolve the decision.

Establishments that are designated as Participating Partners will also be listed on the Healthy City web site, on a printed sign in Government Center and in some editions of the Healthy City newsletter.

To access an application, click here.

To ask questions about the program, call 508-324-2411 or e-mail the Healthy City Coordinator.


The Massachusetts Nutrient Data Bank offers users such as restaurant operators the opportunity to obtain comprehensive dietary, menu, and recipe evaluation for nutritional adequacy. Click here to access information about using the data bank.

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