Fitness Information
The Basics on Fitness

What’s so important about physical activity?

People need to be active to be healthy.  Our modern sedentary lifestyle is dangerous for our health.  Sitting around in front of the TV or computer, riding in the car for even short trips and using elevators instead of stairs all contribute to our inactivity.  Physical inactivity is as dangerous to our health as smoking.

How to get started

Increase physical activity one step at a time.  Getting started safely includes checking with your medical provider before starting, especially if you are older that 40 or have a medical problem like bone or muscle disease, heart disease, diabetes, or am too heavy.  It’s important to start slowly to avoid injuring yourself.

Exercise doesn’t just mean joining a gym or training for a marathon

You can make many of your everyday activities benefit your body.  Simply put a little more energy into your daily routine:

1) When on the phone, pick up your feet and march in place, or walk around your house instead of sitting on the couch

2) Park farther away and walk to the store

3) Use the stairs instead of the elevator/escalator

4) Walk or ride a bike to do your errands

5)Avoid sitting for long periods of time.  Get up every half hour and walk around for 5 minutes. 

What’s the proper amount of activity.

Getting the proper amount of exercise means doing an activity you like often enough, long enough, and hard enough to give your heart a workout.

How often:  Do a physical activity most days of the week – 5 days is best.

How long:  30 – 60 minutes of physical activity – at one time or spread throughout the day.  Time needed depends on effort.

How hard:  You should be able to comfortably carry on a conversation while doing physical activity and break a sweat at the same time.

You have been working too hard if you cannot walk and talk at the same time, are having trouble breathing, are having pain, or are dehydrated.  If you experience any of these problems you need to slow down or rest a little, try stretching before starting to exercise and be sure to drink water before, during and after activity.  If problems do not disappear after a few days talk with your doctor.

Other Sources of Information on the Web
WebMD Fitness Guide

Health & Fitness Guide including: 1. Fact vs. Fiction; 2. Tips for Success, 3. Get Lean, 4.Get Strong, 5. Fuel Your Body, and 6.
Getting Expert Help

Physical Fitness Guide for Kids and Teens

Offers guides for physical fitness are provided by the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics:
Fitness and Your 2-3 Year Old; 4-5 Year Old; 6-12 Year Old; 13-18 Year Old; and Physical Fitness, Sports and the School-Age Child


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