Nutrition Information
The Basics

Eat a variety of foods
• Select a wide variety of foods every day.
• The Food Guide Pyramid shows the balance among food groups.

Balance the food you eat with physical activity
• To maintain your body weight, it is important to balance the calories from food you eat with the calories your body uses.

Choose a diet with plenty of grain products,
vegetables, and fruits
• Grain products, vegetables, and fruits should make up the bulk of your diet. These foods contain many vitamins and minerals, are generally low in fat, high in fiber and can help decrease the risk of diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus, and intestinal dysfunction.

Choose a diet low in fat,
saturated fat and cholesterol
• High levels of saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet are linked to greater risk of heart disease.

Choose a diet moderate in sugars
• Limiting the amounts of sweets in the diet can help prevent tooth decay and improve the nutritional quality of the diet.

Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium
• Limiting sodium can help prevent bloating and high blood pressure for people who are salt-sensitive.

If you drink alcoholic beverages,
do so in moderation
• Limiting alcohol can help control the calorie content of your diet and decrease risk of accidental injury. Women who are pregnant should avoid alcohol to reduce the risk of birth defects.

More on the Web

Click here for more information on:

A terrific collection of links to a number of government websites related to nutrition and healthy eating


One of the largest free diet and health-related sites in the world, SparkPeople was voted best online health site in Business Week's 2006 and 2007 "Best of the Web" awards.


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