Smoking Cessation Local Data
Overview of Fall River's smoking rates

Adults in Fall River smoke at a greater rate than any other community in Massachusetts. More than one out of every three adults smokes cigarettes, compared with less than one in five throughout the state.

During 1997 to 1999, 28% of Fall River/New Bedford adults were current smokers. Adults ages 65 and older and adults with a college education were less likely to be current smokers. Of all Fall River/New Bedford adults, 6% were heavy smokers. Women and adults ages 65 and older were less likely to be heavy smokers. Fifty-five percent of current smokers in Fall River/New Bedford have attempted to quit smoking during the previous year.

Compared with the state as a whole, Fall River/New Bedford adults were more likely to be current smokers. Among the selected cities, the percentage of adults who are current smokers ranged from 18% in Boston to 28% in Fall River/New Bedford. Fall River/New Bedford adults were more likely than adults from the state overall to be heavy smokers. The percentage of adults who were heavy smokers ranged from 2% in Boston to 6% in Fall River/New Bedford. The percentage of Fall River/New Bedford adults who had tried to quit smoking at some point in the preceding year was similar to that of the state overall. Among the selected cities, the percentage of adults who attempted to quit in the past year ranged from 52% in Lawrence/Lowell to 65% in Boston .


Compared with the results from 1994 to 1996, the percentage of Fall River/New Bedford adults who were current smokers, the percentage who were heavy smokers, and the percentage of smokers who tried to quit smoking in the past year were similar during 1997 to 1999. Fall River/New Bedford did not meet the Healthy People 2010 objective for current smoking level.

Other Sources of Information on the Web
Risk Factors and Health Behaviors
for Fall River

Five instant topic reports contain data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) organized by indicators such as smoking rates, binge drinking, overweight and obesity and activity.

Regional Health Status Indicators for Southeast Massachusetts

A very complete report combining health status indicators from a variety of sources into one document that covers Fall River and Southeastern Mass.


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