Weight Control Local Data







Overview of Fall River's
weight problems



Not only are adults in Fall River  less likely to engage in regular physical activity than others in Massachusetts, they are also more overweight and more obese than others in the state. Compared with adults in the United States, though, they are slightly less overweight and obese. The impact of the higher weight of Fall River adults, however, contributes to significantly higher rates of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.

Specifically, about 60% of Fall River residents are overweight (BMI >25) compared to about 52% of Massachusetts residents as a whole. Almost 26% of Fall River adults are obese (BMI>30) compared with about 18% statewide. The average of obese adults in the United States, however, is about 34%, so, by that comparison, Fall River does not seem that bad. The problem in Fall River, though, is that this excess weight is also associated with our high diabetes and heart disease rates, so an obesity rate of 26% is not a good figure.

Overweight and obesity also vary considerably by age. While 48% of Fall River adults aged 18-34 years are overweight, about 23% are obese. More than 68% of Fall River adults over 45, however, are overweight. And, of those between 45 and 54 year of age, 28% are obese, with almost 35% between 55 and 64 falling into the obese range. Unfortunately, most cases of diabetes first appear in these later age ranges and can be attributed to excess weight gain.  

When it comes to regular physical activity, Fall River residents are somewhat less active (48% vs. 52% statewide) than Massachusetts residents overall but slightly more active (48% vs. 46% nationally) that the average American. The age range differences, however, are large. Sixty percent of Fall River adults under the age of 35 engage in moderate physical activity for 30 minutes five times a week or vigorous physical activity for 20 minutes three times a week. This figure drops to about 45% for those 35 to 54 years of age, and down to 52% for those 55-64 and 26% for those 65 and older. Studies show that moderate physical activity is just as important for health among older persons as younger ones. 

Other Sources of Information on the Web
Risk Factors and Health Behaviors
for Fall River

Five instant topic reports contain data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) organized by indicators such as smoking rates, binge drinking, overweight and obesity and activity.

Regional Health Status Indicators for Southeast Massachusetts

A very complete report combining health status indicators from a variety of sources into one document that covers Fall River and Southeastern Mass.


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