People enjoy seeing Natalie and Joe Correira out walking in the neighborhood. Very often they walk around the top section of Kennedy Park six times! Sometimes when their car is out of order, they walk all the way from Middle Street to the Flint Senior Center on Pleasant Street, where Natalie is part of the Grupo Alegria, a lively group of women who emigrated many years ago from the Azores and called Fall River their home ever since. "I walk for my health," explains Joe, "Everyone should walk, everyone who CAN walk, SHOULD walk." Natalie’s doctor presented her with a challenge: "Walk everyday-rain or shine. If it is too cold or wet, drive out to the Mall and walk there.  Be a "volunteer" to promote good health." When Natalie sees her doctor again in three months, he expects to see the results of his order to be active. Natalie explains further, " I need to raise my good cholesterol in order to prevent heart disease. My doctor says to walk everyday, take a baby aspirin, AND have a glass of wine with dinner." Both Joe and Natalie love the socializing that happens when they are out and about. They meet friends and soak in the fresh air. Joe talks about the game or politics. Natalie loves to see the sights, the gardens and parks. "I feel good, peaceful, after I walk. We walk for our health, and it works! If you can walk, you SHOULD walk!"


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