Making healthy changes to your lifestyle can be a daunting task, but can prove to be beneficial in many different ways. Just ask Raul Allerino Perez, 63, of Fall River. Born in Puerto Rico, Raul, a former body builder, was used to being in top shape. As he got older, he began to develop back pain, as well as high blood pressure. "I would get spasms in my back, the pain was very uncomfortable. And I also had to start taking medication for high blood pressure." After years of pain and a rotation of medication, Raul decided to make a positive change to his lifestyle. He began walking every day, rain or shine. "I walk every day. I walk from my apartment at Barresi Heights to Jefferson Street and back. Sometimes I walk to the Tiverton border and then back." Raul attributes his healthy outlook on life to his walking regiment. "I’m walking for my health. Walking every day has helped me get off my high blood pressure medication." Not only is Raul off of his medication, but his back pains have been greatly reduced. Walking has also helped Raul lose 30 pounds. "I used to be 225 pounds. I started walking and now I am 195 pounds. Raul hopes that other people can benefit from healthy lifestyle changes in the way he has. Although he sometimes carries his cane with him, he rarely uses it. It is more frequently found simply hanging around his neck, proving that healthy living can bring freedom and mobility at almost any age.


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