Available Databases for Assessing Community Health Needs and Assets
Factors That Contribute to Health Status Data that pertain to eight factors that contribute to health as defined by the Population Health Institute are listed below. Data tables are primarily taken from the Department of Public Health MassCHIP Instant Topics. Other sources will be added as they become available.
Factor 1: Diet and Exercise

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - Chronic Illness - CHNA 25

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - Chronic Illness - Fall River

Cardiovascular Health - CHNA 25

Cardiovascular Health - Fall River

Cardiovascular Health - Somerset

Cardiovascular Health - Swansea

Cardiovascular Health - Westport

Diabetes - CHNA 25

Diabetes - Fall River

Mass. Dept. of Public Health 2005 report on Diabetes Prevalence in Fall River and New Bedford.

Healthy People 2010 - Maternal and Child Health Objectives - CHNA 25

Healthy People 2010 - Maternal and Child Health Objectives - Fall River

Healthy People 2010 - Maternal and Child Health Objectives - Somerset

Healthy People 2010 - Maternal and Child Health Objectives - Swansea

Healthy People 2010 - Maternal and Child Health Objectives - Westport

Mass. Dept. of Public Health report on Heart Disease and Stroke in Mass. (with FR/NB rates)

Mass. Dept. of Public Health report on 2010 Diabetes Prevalence in Fall River

Mortality Standard Report - Premature Death Rates Statewide by Disease

Spencer Borden Walk to School Survey 2012

Status of Childhood Weight in Massachusetts - 2009

BMI Preliminary Report - Fall River Schools - April 2011

2011-2012 Fall River School Bike Survey Results

2012-2013 Fall River Schools Recess And Physical Education Assessment


Factor 2: Tobacco, Alcohol & Other Drug Use Prevention

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - Chronic Illness - CHNA 25

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - Chronic Illness - Fall River

Binge drinking among adults - Fall River/New Bedford, 2002-2007

Mortality Standard Report - Premature Death Rates Statewide by Disease

Race/Hispanic Etnicity Report - Birth and Perinatal Indicators - Fall River

Smoking - CHNA 25

Smoking - Fall River

Smoking - Somerset

Smoking - Swansea

Smoking - Westport

Ten year smoking rate decrease in Fall River documented

2013 Fall River School Enrollment by Grade

2012 Youth Risk Behavior Survey for Fall River students in grades 9-12

2012 Youth Health Survey for Fall River students in grades 6-8

2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey for Fall River students in grades 9-12

2011 Youth Health Survey for Fall River students in grades 6-8

Factor 3: Sexual Activity & Infectious Diseases

Adolescent Health Report - CHNA 25

Adolescent Health Report - Fall River

Adolescent Health Report - Somerset

Adolescent Health Report - Swansea

Adolescent Health Report - Westport

Mass. Dept. of Public Health 2009 Community Information Packet on Infant Mortality and Teen Births

2010 HIV/AIDS data for Fall River

Perinatal Trends - CHNA 25

Perinatal Trends - Fall River

Women in Need of Contraceptive Services - Fall River

Women in Need of Contraceptive Services - Somerset

Women in Need of Contraceptive Services - Swansea

Women in Need of Contraceptive Services - Westport

2010 School Health Service Reports - Fall River

2010 School Health Service Reports - Westport

Factor 4: Access to Quality Dental, Health and Mental Health Care 2010 School Health Service Reports - Westport

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - Chronic Illness - CHNA 25

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - Chronic Illness - Fall River

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - General Health Status- CHNA 25

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - General Health Status- Fall River

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - Health Care Access - CHNA 25

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - Health Care Access - Fall River

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - Health Screening - CHNA 25

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - Health Screening - CHNA 25

Healthcare Access and Screening - CHNA 25

Healthcare Access and Screening - Fall River

Factor 5: Education, Employment, Income and Disability

The City-Data summary of Fall River demographic and economic data

US Census Bureau Quick Facts - Fall River

Gateway City 2011 Data

Gateway City 2011 Data

Market Rate Housing Costs in Fall River - 2010

Older Adults Report - CHNA 25

Older Adults Report - Fall River

Older Adults Report - Somerset

Older Adults Report - Swansea

Older Adults Report - Westport

2010 School Health Service Reports - Westport

Factor 6: Community Safety and Violence Prevention

2010 School Health Service Reports - Westport

Kids Count Profile - CHNA 25

Perinatal Reports - Fall River

Durfee High School Youth Violence and Gang Assessment Report 2010

Kids Count Profile - Somerset

Kids Count Profile - Swansea

Kids Count Profile - Westport

Links Between Poverty and Child Sex Abuse - July 2013, Standard-Times article

Weapons Related Injury Surveillance System - CHNA 25

Weapons Related Injury Surveillance System - Fall River

Weapons Related Injury Surveillance System - Somerset

Weapons Related Injury Surveillance System - Swansea

Weapons Related Injury Surveillance System - Westport

Factor 7: Family, Cultural and Social Support, and Housing

2010 School Health Service Reports - Westport

Census Figures give insight into Latino influence on SouthCoast - June 24 2013, Standard Times article

Census Bureau Map of Non-English Speakers by Language Spoken

Perinatal Reports - CHNA 25

Perinatal Reports - Fall River

Perinatal Reports - Somerset

Perinatal Reports - Swansea

Perinatal Reports - Westport

Race/Hispanic Etnicity Report - Health Risk Factors - CHNA 25

Race/Hispanic Etnicity Report - Health Risk Factors - Fall River

Race/Hispanic Etnicity Report - Mortality - Fall River

Factor 8: Environment and Infrastructure

Asthma - Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - CHNA 25

Asthma - Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - Fall River

Asthma - Mortality and Hospital Data - CHNA 25

Asthma - Mortality and Hospital Data - Fall River

Additional Health Factors

Cancer Profile - Fall River

Cancer Profile - Somerset

Cancer Profile - Swansea

Cancer Profile - Westport

Massachusetts Comprehensive Cancer Prevention and Control Program Cancer Burden in NB & FR

Additional statistics for the Fall River area can be found at these sites

Census 2000, 1990 Socio-Demographic Trends - CHNA 25

Mortality Standard Report - Premature Death Rates Statewide by Disease

Urban Indicators Project Fall River Obesity and Substance Abuse measures

City Data for the City of Fall River

Health of Massachusetts 2010 - Dept of Public Health

A Profile of Health Among Massachusetts Cities - 2008

Mass. Dept. of Public Health Regional Health Status Indicators for Southeast Massachusetts

Saint Anne's Hospital 2011-12 Community Benefit Plan

2009 Southcoast Hospitals Community Health Needs Assessment and Data

2013 Southcoast Health System Community Needs Asseessment

2013 Southcoast Hospitals Community Benefits Implementation Plan

2009 Healthy City Fall River Commuity Survey Results

Fall River Youth Asset Map Community Inventory - November 2010

Mental Health Indicators - Fall River/New Bedford 2002-2007

Greater New Bedford Allies for Health and Wellness (CHNA 26) 2012 Community Health Assessment