Vision-to-Action Work Group Meeting

July 16, 2001, 8:15 – 9:45 a.m.

Faculty Lounge – Bristol Community College

Who was there?: Jim Hornsby (Green Futures), Sue Sterett (FR Schools), Yolanda Horbley (Council of Churches), B.J. Valente (Family Services Assn.), Carol Constantine (BCC), Frances Fuller (Charlton), Theresa Magellan (Diocese), Elizabeth Spinney (Center for Healthy Communities), and David Weed (Corrigan).

What we decided:

Prior to our next meeting on August 20th, we will work on reducing the list of over 600 recommendations submitted during the visioning sessions to approximately 4-6 items for each of the fifteen categories according to the following assignments:

Jim Hornsby: Values Environmental (with Carol)

BJ Valente: Recreation Schools & Youth

Sue: Education Employment Safety

Carol: Arts & Culture Healthcare

Frances: Com’ty Participation Faith & Spiritual

Theresa: Infrastructure Healthy Food

Yolanda: Transportation Housing

This list or 60-90 action items will be displayed on a large board at the September 6th Bicentennial Birthday Party at Heritage State Park, along with a display illustrating the visioning sessions. The public will be invited to sign up to commit at least one hour per month to working on the action item by placing a sticker on that item. Additional sign-up opportunities will be posted on the web site and in the Herald News. The Resources Work Group will be asked to begin developing a database of existing community projects that address Healthy City goals. This initial list will be made available to the Vision-to-Action Work Group by the time they meet in Building G at BCC at 8:15 a.m. on August 20th to make final plans for the September 6th event.

In by the end of September, the Work Group will meet with Mayor Lambert and his staff to go over the list of action items and submit the names of people who have signed up in each area. Existing projects that address the action items will be described by the staff. A database of existing projects will be assembled showing the project, the action items addressed by the project, and the persons involved. This database will be maintained on the website and advertised widely to encourage others to get involved.

In the cases where an action item is identified but no existing project is in place to address the need, a new action group will be formed and persons who have expressed an interest will be invited to participate. This database will constitute the Healthy Fall River Initiative ongoing agenda. Progress reports will be issued periodically and the public will be invited to participate in any one of the dozens of projects underway.