Nearly 200 people attended the 11th Annual Legislative Forum breakfast at White's Restaurant on October 29, 2010 organized by the New Bedford and Fall River  Community Health Network Area (CHNA) organizations C.O.A.S.T. and Partners for a Healthier Community. "This was our largest event to-date," commented organizer Marcia Picard who is an active member of both organizations. Speakers included mayors of both Fall River and New Bedford, state representatives Antonio Cabral, Michael Rodrigues, and David Sullivan. Community Recognition Awards were given to individuals from both communities to acknowledge some of the important work that has been done by local citizens to improve the health of those who live or work in the Southcoast. A special word of thanks was given to Billie Jane Valente who worked for the Fall River CHNA since its inception more than fifteen years ago. Nationally recognized walking advocate and one the nation's foremost experts on public health issues, Mark Fenton of Scituate, gave the keynote presentation. He underscored  the need for communities to develop environmental and public-policy initiatives to encourage more walking and bicycling to help reverse the epidemic of sedentary behavior. Tables were decorated with running shoes donated by Converse, all of which will be donated to low income families in the area through Gifts To Give along with produce that participants brought that will go to local food pantries. To see a video with segments from the morning's presentations, click here. For more information about the event, contact Marcia Picard

Massachusetts Representative David Sullivan chats with Jamison Souza of Community Development Recreation & Craig Gaspard of the BOLD Coalition. Community Recognition Award winner Joyce Cocke receives a corsage from Kerry Mello of Southcoast Hospitals. Alyse Blake of Gifts To Give engages Pauline Hamel of the New Bedford Mass In Motion project in some lively conversation before the forum..

Mass In Motion coordinator for the City of New Bedford, Pauline Hamel, welcomes forum participants on behalf of C.O.A.S.T.

Partners for a Healthier Community steering committee chairperson Wendy Garf-Lipp begins by welcoming the mayors and state representatives.

Fall River Mayor William Flanagan talks about the important work that the assembled participants are doing to help make their communities healthier.

New Bedford Mayor Scott Lang talks about the importance of healthy lifestyles for children & adults

State Representative David Sullivan notes his previous work promoting community mental health.

State Representative Michael Rogeriques thanks participants for their work in improving health.

Dr. Jeanne Bonneau receives her award for her work at the Normandin Middle School in New Bedford.

Joyce Cocke is recognized for her work with seniors through Bristol Elder Services.

Susan Correira and Ken Hague are awarded for their community garden at the Church of the Holy Spirit..

Michelle Pelton was recognized for advocating on behalf of those with traumatic brain injuries.

Al Lima was recognized for his advocacy to improve green spaces and bike and walking routes.

Mrs. Robert Heskett receives an award on behalf of her late husband, Bob, for his work in New Bedford.

Elizabeth Viveiros, Julie Schoonover, and Sharon Sullivan-Puccini created a playground in Somerset.

James Tavares of Community Development Recreation is recognized for his volunteer work.

Past Partners for a Healthier Community chairperson Billie Jane Valente is applauded.

Members of the audience enjoy some of the antics of presenter Mark Fenton

Mark illustrates the avoidance of predators (slide 27) that could keep adults more physically active.

Mark makes the case for advocating for more options for physical activity in the built environment.

The audience applauds the keynote presentation and welcomes Mr. Cabral to the podium.

Massachusetts Representative
Antonio Cabral brings greetings from Governor Deval Patrick..

Ms. Garf-Lipp holds up one of the running shoes donated by
Converse that will be donated.

Alyse Blake of Gifts To Give accepts the donation of running shoes from the table centerpieces to be given to local children.

YMCA Southcoast Director of Operations and VOICES team co-chair Nancy Bonell talks with Maddie Ribble of the MA Public Health Association.

 Cora-Dorothy Peirce talks with Stefanie Khoorey and Community Recognition Award winner Al Lima at the conclusion of the event.


To see pictures of the previous Legislative Forums, click here












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