Healthy City Fall River Action Priority Summary Page

This is one of five pages that describe an Action Priority that was selected for a focus in 2004. Participants in the Healthy City Summit held on March 25th outlined specific targeted activities that will address one or more identified problems and challenges supported by data indicators. A complete report summarizing all activities specific to this priority area is currently being prepared by members of the Healthy City Fall River Design Team with the assistance of the Healthy City Coordinator

Adult Education, Job Training & Employment: Selected fourth in order of importance, this Priority Area will describe goals for: 1) adult and out-of-school youth education; 2) alternative programs including tutoring, drop-out prevention and after-school programs; and 3) youth and senior employment and volunteerism.

Education levels are closely linked to overall quality of life and health in any community. Fall River has some unique challenges in this area given the high percentage of adults who have not attained formal education up to or beyond the completion of high school. This situation results in many having significant difficulty competing for jobs beyond the minimum wage level, leaving many to raise their children in poverty. The City's school system also faces significant challenges. The health of the City will depend on its ability to meet these challenges over the coming years.

Data indicators that support the recognition of problems and challenges: 
(click underlined text to link with data source)

Current activities that are directed to improvements or problem resolution 
(click underlined text to link with web-based information about the activity)

Over forty percent of adults over the age of 25 in the city have not attained a high school diploma or G.E.D. significantly reducing their ability to attain a living wage through competitive employment. Bristol Community College and SER-Jobs for Progress are working together to provide adult basic education (ABE) for adults who have not completed their high school education or who require specific skill training to enable them to compete. A new website to be launched in the Spring of 2004 will link to all ABE resources in the City.
The Fall River high school dropout rate is significantly higher than the statewide rate while the attendance rate is significantly lower. Also troubling is the increase in the percentage of chronically absent students.. The YMCA offers the Even Start program, an educational program for adults and their children designed to improve basic skills. This program is part of the Adult Basic Education services offered by Bristol Community College.
The Chamber of Commerce's School-to-Career Partnership offers internship placements for high school students, mentoring for middle school youth, MCAS remediation and a summer Project Success opportunity to help youth connect their school experiences with the world of work.
According to the 2000 US Census, of the 29,782 over the age of five who speak a language other than English in the home, 12,947 or 15% of the City's popluation speak English less than "very well" A new Pathways to Family Success web site has been launched to provide information concerning family and adult literacy programs and employment and occupational training programs offered by local businesses and agencies. It seeks to enhance the coordination and integration of existing services and does not offer services.
Low educational attainment and skills deficits among workers in SE Mass. have been noted by the SE Regional Competitiveness Council which has looked at workforce planning on a regional basis. The Bristol Workforce Investment Board, one of 16 Workforce Boards throughout Massachusetts, has offered ABE  and ESOL training to thousands of employees in  the BEST Initiative and training services by the SE MA. Manufacturing Consortium.
PRISM helps 38 18-24 year old disadvantaged youth gain academic and vocational skills in allied health or manufacturing. 
According to the Greater Fall River Adult Literacy Partnership report of April, 2003, over 300 people were on waiting lists for adult basic education classes offered at SER-Jobs and Bristol Community College.
In Collaboration with the Fall River Housing Authority, Family Service Association provides an after school youth tutorial program for the residents of the Sunset Hill Housing Complex featuring recreational activities, drug prevention education, field trips and other activities for 25 children between the ages of 6 and 13.
After-School Program-Programs are provided by the City of Fall River at Talbot, Kuss, Morton and Henry Lord Middle Schools that include comprehensive educational and recreational opportunities.
In Collaboration with the Fall River Housing Authority, Family Service Association provides an after school youth tutorial program for the residents of the Sunset Hill Housing Complex. This program features recreational activities, drug prevention education, field trips and other activities for 25 children between the ages of 6 and 13.

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