Click on the logos along the left to link to some internet resources that can help us in our efforts to create a Healthy Fall River. 
The page contains links that describe the goals and objectives of Healthy People 2010, the nationwide plan for increasing the health of the entire United States population. Click here for a guide for community leaders.

The Massachusetts Prevention Center promotes and supports community-based prevention to create and sustain healthy communities, with special attention to those populations most in need. It is funded by the Department of Public Health and the Department of Education to assist communities and organizations in developing health promotion and disease prevention activities for their residents

The Healthy Cities movement now includes projects in  over 1000 cities world-wide and more are starting all the time. Each project defines different goals and activities but all bring a wide variety of people into the community improvement work at hand. Visit the International Healthy Cities Foundation in English or in Portuguese.

A great web site with Links to Healthy Cities / Communities sites and related organizations is offered by Healthy Cities City Net
City Net offers an overview of the world-wide healthy cities movement along with resources that can be ordered on-line.
Hundreds of organizations across the country are doing valuable work that contributes to building healthier communities. From the Healthy Community Resources page you can learn more about 150 of these organizations

The Massachusetts Community Health Information Profile (MassCHIP) is a dynamic, user-friendly information service that provides free, online access to health and social indicators with which you can obtain community-level data to assess health needs, monitor health status indicators, and evaluate health programs. This is an excellent source of local data.

The Community Tool Box explains how to do the different tasks necessary for community health and development.There are sections on leadership, strategic planning, community assessment, advocacy, grant writing, and evaluation to give just a few examples. Additionally, you will find links to hundreds of other helpful web pages and listservs in areas such as funding, health, education, and community issues.

The Asset-Based Community Development Institute spreads its findings on capacity-building community development in two ways: (1) through extensive and substantial interactions with community builders, and (2) by producing practical resources and tools for community builders to identify, nurture, and mobilize neighborhood assets. Check out this unique resource.

The Human Condition 2001
“Improving The Human Environment on Cape Cod”

The Human Condition 2001 is a community-based project aimed at improving the quality of life of the year-round, permanent resident population of Cape Cod. Read about what our neighbors are doing.

To create a community-wide commitment to youth, all the "players" need to be an ensemble--working toward a common vision of what is needed to promote the healthy development of young people. Learn about the resources of the Search Institute.

In the coming months, the USA Freedom Corps will be launching new programs and partnerships that will engage the armies of compassion in helping to make our communities healthier. This could be a valuable resource for projects that we choose to undertake in Fall River.


Find more than a dozen Healthy Community Checklists at this web site.

Region One: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region One EPA’s cornerstone mission is protecting public health and safeguarding the environment—our lands, our waters and our air—upon which New Englanders depend. To achieve this broad goal, we’re focusing not just on pristine environments such as Cape Cod Bay, but on the communities where we all live.
  The Center for Civic Partnerships provides technical support, educational programs, products and services which emphasize participatory governance and a systems approach to healthier communities throughout the state of California. A good source for material on healthy community development.

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