Vision-to-Action Work Group - 
to gather data from the Outreach Work Group's activities that can be presented in such a way that citizens can understand the variety of visions of a healthy community and identify and select Priority Actions that they would like to see carried out in the first year. Join this group if you would like to help plan the process of selecting actions for the next year by contacting Karen Statser or Dave Weed.

What we discussed At its August 20th meeting, the Vision-to-Action Work Group finalized how the feedback we are receiving from the visioning sessions can best translated into action in the community. The process of reducing recommendations from over 1,000 people into a manageable list was discussed, as was the process of getting input from citizens at the September 6th Bicentennial Birthday Party at Heritage Park.

What we decided

(Click here for detailed minutes)

We decide to reduce the list of recommendations into 1-4 items for each of the 15 categories (see list at http://www.archivedgfrpartners.com/healthyfallrivervisions.htm) by combining and paraphrasing recommendations, taking into account the number of times an item is mentioned. We will display this reduced list of 30-40 action items on September 6th. The public will then be invited to cast their vote for three any three items and then to register their names and indicate if they have an interest in working on any of the action items over the course of the next year. The entire display will then be moved to Government Center where people can continue to "vote" until the end of September. An on-line ballot will also be available on this website. The results will be shared with the Mayor's office to match names with existing efforts that address the action items. If no existing effort could be identified, a new group would be called together to begin the process of taking action on the item.
When we will meet.

The Vision-to-Action Work Group will meet again in late September to evaluate the results of the input we receive. Watch this space for details of time and place.

Click above to find some of the resources that can help us develop our Healthy Fall River initiative. These links can help us to gather information and design a process that will ensure that all those who live and work in the City of Fall River can participate and develop a sense of ownership of the process and outcomes.

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