Outreach Work Group - 
: to inform as many groups and sectors of the community about the Healthy Fall River initiative and to solicit as much meaningful input as possible from these groups as to their vision for a healthier Fall River by the end of August. Join this group if you can help us connect with city groups and organizations to help with the visioning process by contacting Maureen Estes or Mike Coughlin.
What we discussed

At our July 11th meeting, we reviewed the list of visioning sessions that have been completed and the new ones that have been scheduled up to the first week of September..

What we decided The group reviewed the total list of visioning sessions to ensure that we are capturing a representative sample of the larger community. Our list includes three of the six neighborhood associations, several churches, both hospitals, the Waterfront Initiative Committee, the high school and one middle school parent group, several human service agencies, and all three of the senior drop-in centers. Sessions for the public-at-large will include sessions at two branch libraries and five neighborhood festivals. We hope to also hold several sessions at manufacturing work sites and at some of the CD-Recreation park programs for children. The work group seemed satisfied that they will have satisfied their objectives.
When we will meet. 
The outreach committee will report on the final results of their work at the July 31st Design Team Meeting to be held at 8:15 a.m. at the Advanced Technology Center on Martine Street. 

Click above to find some of the resources that can help us develop our Healthy Fall River initiative. These links can help us to gather information and design a process that will ensure that all those who live and work in the City of Fall River can participate and develop a sense of ownership of the process and outcomes.

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