Vision-to-Action Work Group - 
to gather data from the Outreach Work Group's activities that can be presented in such a way that citizens can understand the variety of visions of a healthy community and identify and select Priority Actions that they would like to see carried out in the first year. Join this group if you would like to help plan the process of selecting actions for the next year by contacting Tracy Desovitch  or Susan Linn Bershefsky.
What we discussed

We began to develop an inventory of resources that we anticipate will be needed. We organized them into five categories:

  1. Human
  2. Cultural
  3. Resources to Identify Hidden Needs in Fall River (e.g., high incidence of diabetes)
  4. Resources to Reach Marginalized Groups
  5. Vision-Outreach resources
What we decided We will monitor the work of the Outreach and Vision-to-Action Work Groups and continue to identify potential resources that can be used in the Healthy Fall River initiative.
When we will meet. Watch this location for details of the Work Group meeting location!
When the other two Work Groups express a need for resources, we will respond, but there are no meetings of this Work Group scheduled before June 26th.

Click above to find some of the resources that can help us develop our Healthy Fall River initiative. These links can help us to gather information and design a process that will ensure that all those who live and work in the City of Fall River can participate and develop a sense of ownership of the process and outcomes.

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