The 2004 Healthy City Fall River Summit held at BCC on March 25th

"This has been a very active community planning process thus far, and I hope that after today’s summit we can go about the process of converting the feedback we’ve received into a plan of action," said [Fall River Mayor Edward M.] Lambert, Jr.

"I believe this has the power to set Fall River apart," said Lambert. "It will be a model for other communities." (For the entire Herald News article by  Deborah Allard-Bernardi from which the quotes printed in blue were taken, click here.)

"Everyone wants to live in a safe community," said [Keynote Speaker Judith] Kurland. "They want a place they can continue to live. They want to know their children can reach their full potential. And, that it’s a place they can work and support their families and will want to stay when they are older."

"I am confident that we can and will now be able to develop a solid course of action which moves us forward," said Lambert. "By having involved the community throughout this process, there are now many people and groups that are ready, willing and able to participate as agents for positive change."

In order to encourage new activities to address any of the five Action Priorities, especially by linguistic and ethnic minorities, micro-grants of up to $500 are now available to local individuals and groups. For a copy of the Micro-Grant Application Form and instructions, click here. 

Funding for the Summit was provided by a grant from the Harvard-Pilgrim Foundation


"The Summit was a terrific opportunity for many people to meet and hear from other members of the community who are working to address some of the same problems that they are," noted Maureen Estes, Community Coordinator for the Fall River Health and Human Services Department. 

"We are grateful to the members of the St. Anne's Choir for helping us to end the Summit on an inspirational note," added Michael Coughlin, M.S., newly-appointed Director of Health and Human Services for the City of Fall River. A full report of the Summit along with the Action Plan for the City will be issued by June, 2004.

 To go to the current Healthy City Fall River page, including descriptions of the Five Action Priorities, click here.

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