The Mayor's Office of the City of Fall River, working in cooperation with Partners for a Healthier Community, has launched the development of a Healthy City Initiative. Using input gathered from over 1,000 residents during the summer of 2003 and the results of a city-wide voting process in September, the initiative's Design Team is now in the process of identifying and inviting key players to develop goals for each of the following Action Priority Areas at the first Healthy City Summit to be held March 25, 2004 in the Jackson Arts Center (left) at Bristol Community College. For further information, contact Maureen Estes at Government Center, 508-324-2405.

Safety and Substance Abuse: This Area, which received the most "votes" from over 500 people who participated in the city-wide balloting in September, includes goals for 1) Increased community policing and personal safety; 2)  a drug-free community, including enforcement of tobacco laws; and 3) reduction of gangs. Click here to learn more about the existing challenges and currently available assets that apply to this Priority Area. Contact the Healthy City Coordinator if you have additions or corrections for this page.

Environment and Recreation: The second most voted Area will develop goals for 1) cleaner streets and parks; 2) increased and improved recreational opportunities for youth and adults; and 3) measures to ensure cleaner air and water. Click here to learn more about the existing challenges and currently available assets that apply to this Priority Area.  Contact the Healthy City Coordinator if you have additions or corrections for this page.

Health Education: Voted third in importance, this Priority Area will included goals focused on 1) nutrition and diabetes education; 2) tobacco education and 3) physical fitness education. Click here to learn more about the existing challenges and currently available assets that apply to this Priority Area.  Contact the Healthy City Coordinator if you have additions or corrections for this page.

Adult Education, Job Training & Employment: Selected fourth in order of importance, this Priority Area will describe goals for: 1) adult and out-of-school youth education; 2) alternative programs including tutoring, drop-out prevention and after-school programs; and 3) youth and senior employment and volunteerism. Click here to learn more about the existing challenges and currently available assets that apply to this Priority Area.  Contact the Healthy City Coordinator if you have additions or corrections for this page.
Community Planning & Housing: This last Area in order of voted priority will focus on the development of goals for 1) affordable housing; 2) waterfront access; and 3) improvements in recreation facilities for youth and adults. Click here to learn more about the existing challenges and currently available assets that apply to this Priority Area.  Contact the Healthy City Coordinator if you have additions or corrections for this page.

For information on the initial Visioning Forum held on February 27, 2003, click on the photo to the left to see photos of the event and to learn more about what took place. You can access the Summary of Proceedings and Feedback Summary as well as links to data for the City of Fall River with information on local demographics and health indicators. Also included are links to resources on other websites that can be helpful in to the community planning process.

Click here to see photos from the dozens of Visioning and Voting Sessions held throughout the City this summer.

Click here to see a compilation of hundreds of recommendations submitted by over 900 participants of visioning sessions over the summer of 2003.

Click here to access links to web sites that provide helpful information for and about healthy community development. 

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