The City of Fall River, working in cooperation with Partners for a Healthier Community, has embarked on a Healthy City Initiative to improve the overall health and well-being of our city. (To read more about this project, see the article in the Herald News.) Input from over 1,000 people submitted at over 30 visioning sessions held throughout the City over the summer of 2003 has produced hundreds of ideas and recommendations (To see the full list, click here.) These recommendations have been summarized in twelve categories listed below.

  • Persons who either live or work in the City of Fall River, MA, are invited during the month of September, 2003, to submit their TOP THREE CHOICES within this list. In addition, people who submit their choices are also asked to indicate which efforts on which they would be willing to volunteer their time.

  • To submit a ballot, review the entire list, then click the "Submit" buttons next to the three (3) items that you feel are most important to improving the health of the City. You may select an entire category by checking the boxes to the right of the category name (e.g. "Arts & Culture") or you may check specific items in any of the categories (e.g. "Youth Participation") by checking the boxes to the left of the item. If you change your mind, simply uncheck the box.

  • In order for your ballot to be accepted and counted by the Healthy Fall River Initiative Design Team, it must not have more that a total of three (3) items checked and it must indicate your name and a Fall River address. If you work, but do not live, in Fall River, submit your Fall River work address. (If you do not wish to be contacted at work, so indicate and provide your home telephone number.) Print and mail your ballot to Maureen Estes, One Government Center, Fall River, MA, no later than October 1, 2003. (We are unable to accept electronic submissions.)

Results from this poll will be reviewed and summarized by the Design Team and submitted to a variety of voluntary and governmental efforts currently underway in the City. Persons who indicated an interest in volunteering their time to a particular effort will be contacted to connect them with that effort. Where no currently existing effort is underway to address a recommended item, a new group will be formed consisting of persons who have indicated a desire to volunteer their time on that item. Please address any questions about this process to Maureen Estes at the Mayor's Office.

Para enviar uma proposta Cidade saudável em Portuguese carregue aqui

Para referir una papeleta con la Iniciativa Saludable Ciudad en Español, marque aqui.

· Art & cultural opportunities for all ages

· A center for artists, actors, dancers, musicians

· Expand the efforts of the Narrows Center for the Arts

· Activities at the library for adults & children

· Preservation of what made Fall River great























Youth Participation:

· Youth conferences and forums

· Bring gangs together

Theme: to have youth forums and include as many as possible

Neighborhood Participation

· Neighborhood groups to get involved, enhanced communication

· Get togethers, less isolation, work together as adults

· Neighborhood Crime Watch

· Volunteer clean up efforts

· Empowerment groups

Theme: create neighborhood groups who will work together

Reaching Out

· Welcome new people

· Museums for different cultures, get to know each other, community ethnic groups

Community Support

· Commitment, organize, listen, giveback, work together, and take a chance

· Link children with elders

· More projects and active participation

· Single parenting groups

· Community Web Site

· Adopt a group and offer time

· List neighborhood associations and services

· More cultural TV programs

Political Support

· Protest

· Campaign city councilor for change, talk to officials and hold them accountable

· Volunteer directors as permanent staff

Theme: Political officials need to be involved and demonstrate support





















· Adequate funding

· Reduced class sizes

· Upgraded facilities / new schools

· Re-evaluate MCAS

· Address high risk areas – drug abuse, teen pregnancy, mental health, hygiene


· Drop-out prevention

· Tutoring for low achievers

· After school programs

· Parenting education

· Diversity programs


· Centers for education and training

· Basic adult education programs

· BCC partner with CCCC & UMD, add radiology and increase nursing

· Affordable higher education


· Support and value education

· Advocate for a better educated populace















· More good paying job options

· Better commercial / industrial base

· Companies paying equitable share of taxes

· Address Medicaid and day care issues


· Youth opportunities and job training

· More summer jobs

· Jobs for elderly


· Programs to recruit volunteers

· Volunteer directors on staff


· More centers for education and training

· Training for disabled


· Green Space, Parks and Clean Water for Recreation as well as Drinking

· City Parks including the Bioreserve are truly important

· Bike and Recreation Paths

· Access for fishing, boating and recreation

· Parkland along the Quequechan River from South Watuppa to the Taunton River

· Waterways are very special. Free the Quequechan where it is underground.

· A Clean City

· Clean Air, Clean Water and Clean Streets

· No Dump No Incinerator No LNG!

· Need to clean streets of litter and snow

· Fear of water pollution in the reservoir by land (the dump) and by air (power plants) 

Slow down, learn other faiths, and become stronger in sharing congregations
· Access to good healthcare & mental healthcare for all ages

· Free or affordable healthcare, dental care and medications

· Health clinics in neighborhoods

· More alcohol & drug rehabilitation programs

· A needle exchange program

· Better mental health care especially for depressed children

· Public education programs on obesity, drugs & alcohol

· Support for families in financial difficulties

· Support for mentally ill, shut-ins & homeless










Quality food supply

A farmers market year round

A supermarket downtown

More major grocery stores in center of city

Lunch programs

Target healthy eating for all children, not just economically disadvantaged

Free lunches for seniors every day, even on weekends

Better Restaurants

Better restaurants

More restaurants - different ones

Have healthier foods offered in restaurants that are quick to get

Less donut shops; less hot dog restaurants, a staple of Fall River cuisine

· Affordable housing needed. Rents are up.

· Maintain existing public housing.

· Tax absentee landlords at a higher rate than owner occupied buildings.

· Big homeless problem, we need to help the churches and social agencies to do more









Downtown revitalization

Library services

Urban Design

· More public rest rooms,

· Improving city hall

· Planting more flowers and trees

· Improving the waterfront

More responsive utility services

Better roads

· including surface repair and more traffic signs

Create a civic center

Enforce zoning laws

Accessibility & Safety

· Signal lights for visually impaired

· City Hall, visible colors on stairs

· Repair sidewalks, improve snow removal

· Speed bumps near playgrounds

· Fix crosswalk lights













Waterfront activities

· Access to waterways for fishing, use for water sports

· Activities on the battleship

· Develop a beach on the waterfront

Physical activities

· walking and biking paths or trails

· Access to gyms in neighborhood

City Wide Activities

· More neighborhood park activities for families

· Activities at Library all ages

· Senior centers – increase activities and open more centers

· Cultural activities for people of diverse backgrounds

Development of Recreation Facilities

· New Comfort Station at Kennedy Park for walkers




















· Adequate funding and personnel

· Increased community policing

· Better protection for women and children

· No gangs

· Increased police presence at night, on the streets, & in the parks

· More police of color


· Increased personnel

· More firemen of color


· Target drug dealers

· Drug abuse prevention programs


· Safe and healthy schools

· Improved facilities, health services and prevention education

· Address diversity / prejudice / bullying


· Clean streets / less grime

· Respect for each other and property

· Affordable, secure housing

· Safe, nurturing homes for children, with love and guidance

· Non-smoking community


· Buses easier to use, more frequent trips, service at night for 2nd and 3rd shift workers.

· Late Buses for Middle and High School Students

· Our senior citizens use the buses most and depend upon them.

· Bicycle paths and lanes are important to cut down on car traffic.

· Locate industries and jobs where people can walk to work.

· Tolerance of those who are different and support for diversity of values.

· Personal Acceptance of Individuals — respect for others and encouragement of a calmer, friendlier lifestyle which supports individuals and families, young and old.

· Community Pride — the need to view positively our many accomplishments.

·Conferences and forums for youth input

· Bring gangs together

· Activities to keep kids off streets

· Programs for good and bad kids, lower drop out rate, walking clubs at school during lunch to allow fresh air healthy alternative

· Child care, parenting groups for youth

· Teen center or community centers

· Acknowledge youth doing positive things encourage, and support

· Places to play

· Education – drugs, sex education, teen awareness

· Jobs for teens

· Adult mentors for kids

· Help for who are not most gifted

· Fundraising for cuts to education and sports

Please print your name and Fall River address & phone number:



__This is a work address, do not contact me here; use my home telephone number below.



I wish to volunteer my time on the following issues:

Issue 1:


Issue 2:


Issue 3:



Please print this ballot & mail to:

Mail by October 1, 2003

Maureen Estes
One Government Center
Fall River, MA 02720