Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healy announced the release of $550,000 in state grants to combat heroin addiction among youth across the Commonwealth at Fall River Government Center on August 5th, 2004. Healey was joined by local officials to award and an $80,000 grant to the City of Fall River for their heroin prevention program. "I'm very pleased with the support shown by the state, Governor Romney, Lieutenant Governor Healey and our legislative delegation," said Mayor Edward M. Lambert, Jr. "In the war on drugs, we can only succeed with partners, and I'm grateful for their help and co-operation," the Mayor added. Funding will support the Safety and Substance Abuse Priority Area of the Healthy City Action Plan. "Four environmental strategies will be employed: Enforcement, Education, Communication  and Collaboration," noted Director of Health and Human Services Michael Coughlin. "All sectors of the community will be involved in the effort, including the Fall River Police Department, neighborhood organizations and youth-serving organizations," he added. Click here for the full story in the Herald News. To see a description of the Spring 2005 HELPP program click here. To obtain a copy of the Spring 2005 HELPP application form, click here.

Prevention Grant
Award Announced

August 5, 2004

Fall River
Government Center


(Top row, from left) Mayor Edward M. Lambert, Jr. and Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey. (Middle row, from left) Fall River Police Chief John Souza and Health and Human Services Director Michael Coughlin. (Bottom row, from left) State Representative Michael Rodrigues, Representative Robert Correia, and Stanley Street Treatment and Resources Director Nancy Paull.

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