A committee convened to implement the recently funded Fall River Safety and Substance Abuse Action Project (see related article) held their first meeting in the Community Room of the Fall River Police Department. The group began discussion on ways to implement the four environmental strategies described in the grant proposal: 1) Enforcement, including community policing, youth violence prevention and the neighborhood crime watch; 2) Education, including the Citizens’ Police Academy, education and training through the Family Service Association and P.Y.C.O.; 3) Communication, including the use of media and the creation of public service announcements; and 4) Collaboration, bringing together members of the Fall River Police Department, the Neighborhood Associations, and the Healthy Youth Task Force in a cooperative effort. Click here for the full story about the Project in the Herald News. To see a description of similar projects throughout Massachusetts, click here. To see a description of the Spring 2005 HELPP program click here. To obtain a copy of the Spring 2005 HELPP application form, click here.


Fall River
Safety and
 Substance Abuse Action Project

Chaired by Fall River Department of Health and Human Services Michael Coughlin (Top row), members of the Safety and Substance Abuse Action Project steering committee hold their first meeting on August 18, 2004, to begin the collaboration process.

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