The Heroin Education Leadership and Prevention Partnership (HELPP) held its closing ceremony on November 23, 2004, at Stanley Street Treatment and Resources. The Partnership was created as part of the Environmental Strategies for the Community Action Plan (ESCAPE) a comprehensive, community-wide plan to prevent and reduce heroin use in Fall River.  Under this plan, four environmental strategies (enforcement, education, communication and collaboration) will be utilized to change the environment to encourage and reinforce healthy decisions and make it harder for unhealthy decisions. A key component of ESCAPE was a newly-created seminar series specifically designed for community and neighborhood leaders.  The Heroin Education Leadership and Prevention Partnership (HELPP) used a two-prong approach to teach about drug abuse from the enforcement side and the prevention side. The goal of HELPP was to provide information and skills to participants to assist them in addressing the various issues related to drug abuse in their community and their neighborhood. To see a description of the Spring 2005 HELPP program click here. To obtain a copy of the Spring 2005 HELPP application form, click here.


HELPP Seminar Series
Closing Ceremony and Program Wrap Up

November 23, 2004


(Top row) Mayor Edward M. Lambert, Jr.., presented certificates to each of the participants while HELPP Project Coordinator Christian McCloskey looks on. (Top, center photo) Natalie Melo of the Bank Street Neighborhood Association receives her certificate from Mayor Lambert. (Middle row, left) Fall River Herald News Staff Reporter Will Richmond received recognition for his authoring a weekly series describing each of the weekly sessions. (Center row, right) Detective Lisa Ahaesy, Family Service Association Special Clinical Services Director Billie Jane Valente and Steve Medeiros of the Health First Family Care Center. (Bottom row, left) Niagara Neighborhood Association President Audry Poitras with Natalie Melo. (Bottom row, center) North End Neighborhood Association Chairperson Lillian Correia with Mary Ann Wordell of the Highland Neighborhood Association and Kathy Ferreira of the North End Neighborhood Association. (Bottom, right) P.Y.C.O. Executive Director Vincent Mallard and S.S.T.A.R.'s Lucy Jackson listen to Cheryl Blackburn of the Juvenile Court. 

Bob Hitt of Stanley Street Treatment and Resources speaks to participants in one of the seven weekly HELPP sessions held in the police station community room


S.S.T.A.R.'s Maggie Cook, P.Y.C.O.'s Vincent Mallard and Family Service''s Alan Johnson listen as Christian McCloskey addresses professional participants at an afternoon session held as SSTAR


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