National Roadmaps to Health Prize Winner

Click here to view the 20th Anniversary video, "Improving Health in Greater Fall River"


Task Forces


Needs Assessment

Community Resources

Coalitions Links

Inter-CHNA Activities

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Greater Fall River Partners for a Healthier Community, Inc.

Who are we?

We're working to improve or sustain your health and the quality of your life! Whether it's better access to health care, or to reduce the harm from the use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs, or to reduce the chances that you will develop heart disease, diabetes or any of a number health risks, Partners for a Healthier Community is the group that works for you.

Our projects include the Healthy City Fall River initiative, efforts to improve both school and worksite wellness and projects that support healthy dining, healthy neighborhood markets and community gardens. We're also the primary sponsor of the Greater Fall River Fitness Challenge and the Greater Fall River Partners for Health and Well Being. You can read more about each of these project on our Initiatives page.

What do we do?

Check out what we're doing by clicking on the links to the left. Read about our organization to see how we work. Check out our Task Forces to find a group that you can join to help us with our work. Look over our Projects to see some of the things we're doing to improve the health of the community. Find a health or human service organization that can provide the services you need by clicking on our Community Resources page. Learn the leading health indicators of our area on our Needs Assessment page. Find information about local coalitions that serve the Greater Fall River Area and learn about our InterCHNA activities.

When and where do we meet?

Our Steering Committee meets on the second Friday of every month, except July, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the classroom of Stanley Street Treatment and Resources, 386 Stanley Street, Fall River, MA. This is an open meeting though only elected members may vote on business matters. Members are elected every other year from among those who attend any of our four Task Forces during the preceding year. We also sponsor a Legislative Breakfast every October in collaboration with Greater New Bedford Allies for Health and Well Being.

How do I get involved?

Anyone can join our efforts by attending any of our Task Force meetings. Just contact the chairperson to verify the time and location of the next meeting. These meetings focus on specific health concerns and help to develop strategies that can effectively address them. We welcome your expertise and your vision whether you are a health professional or resident of our community with an interest in making the Greater Fall River Area a healthier place to live and work.

Click for a printable copy of our general brochure and our organizational brochure

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