Fifty outreach workers and students from B.M.C. Durfee and New Bedford high schools gathered at Greater Fall River Re-Creation on March 21, 2013 for an opportunity to talk with Ameena Matthews of Chicago's CeaseFire organiztion. CeaseFire establishes relationships with people affected by violence and then works to get them to channel their anger in non-violent ways. Ms.Matthews is one of only two female members of Chicago's interrupters team. She is the daughter of a famous gang member and has been in a gang herself — which, she says, gives her credibility when navigating potentially volatile situations among teens on the streets. When Matthews was involved in gang activities, it was her Muslim faith, her children and her grandmother who served as her own violence interrupters. The Peace by Piece Coalition and Youth CHOICES group arranged to bring Ameena to Fall River to talk with youth from Fall River and New Bedford. "When I first saw the film, 'The Interrupters' in New Bedford last fall, I knew we had to get her to come here," stated United Neighbors of Fall River Executive Director Wendy Garf-Lipp. The evening provided an opportunity for discussion and was followed by another full day of activities. Click here for a 45-minute video of the evening. Click here for photos of Ameena at the Boys and Girls Club. For more information, contact contact Wendy Garf-Lipp at 508-324-7900

(Top row) Outreach staff wait for Ameena to arrive at Re-Creation headquarters on Bank Street during a surprise snow storm. (Row two) following a catered dinner from the Mesa 21 Restaurant provided by Southcoast Hospitals, the group gathers in the second floor classroom. (Row three) Outreach staff, including Christian Barios, left and right, listen as she tells her story of becoming involved in the CeaseFire organization in Chicago. (Bottom row) Staff, including Brittany Bertone and Annemarie Sharkey, center, and students listen and respond to Ameena's story.

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