The nineth annual meeting and award celebration for the B.O.L.D. (Building Our Lives Drug-free) Coalition was held on October 18, 2013 at McGovern's Restaurant. BOLD Staff Director Craig Gaspard introduced BOLD Advisory Board Vice-Chairman Jasiel Correia II who opened the meeting and acknowledged the contribution of many people to the effort over the years, Jasiel then presented awards to Congressman Keating, a member of the Congressional Caucus on Prescription Drug Abuse, who gave the keynote presentation. Keating emphasized that this is a problem that affects every community, no matter its income level. Following his presentation, the Coalition presented Keating with its annual BOLD Award, a Summit Award to Police Chief Racine, and a Community Connections Award to Kerry Mello of Southcoast Hospitals. Volunteer Jason Fournier was presented the Dedicated Service Award, and the Achievement Award was presented to the Resiliency Preparatory School, Click here for the Herald News article. To see photos of last year's event click here and for the previous year's event, click here. For more information about the BOLD Coalition, funded by a  SAMHSA grant at Stanley Street Treatment & Resources call 508-324-3537.

(Top row) BOLD Coalition Co-Chair Jasiel Correia II introduces Senator Keating and Mayor William Flanagan during the morning event at McGovern's Restaurant. (Middle row) Jasiel presents Senator Keating with the BOLD Award before presenting the Achievement Award to the Resiliency Preparatory School. (Bottom row) Craig Gaspard presents the Dedicated Service Award to Jason Fournier and the Community Connections Award to Kerry Mello of Southcoast Hospitals following a presentation.

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