Representatives of Coal Free Massachusetts and supporting organizations gathered at the Overlook on the western end of Kennedy Park overlooking the Brayton Point Power Station on August 7, 2013, to raise concerns about the health impacts the facility has been having on Southeastern Massachusetts over the years of its operation. Becky Smith, Campaigns Director of Clean Water Action, held a recently-released report at the event that detailed an estimated $120 to $294 million in health care costs each year and up to $6.3 billion in health expenses over the next decade. Partners Executive Director Dr. David Weed underscored the health problems, including asthma, bronchitis and heart disease, that can result from the soot, toxins and gases that the plant emits during its normal operation. "It's time that we move away from this unhealthy way of generating power and find healther alternatives," he stated. A demonstration againt the plant's contribution to greenhouse gases was also recently held at the facility in Somerset. Click here for a 15-minute video of the event. Click here for the Herald News article. For more local information, contact Green Futures.

(Top row, left and center) Casey Harvell, Director of Public Policy for the Northeast branch of the American Lung Association, and Joe Lazzerini of the Coalition for Social Justice are interviewed by Steve Klamkin of WPRO Radio prior to the presentation. (Top row, right) Joel Wool of Clean Water Action is interviewed by Pamela Martin of Fall River Government Television. (Middle row) Becky Smith, Campaigns Director for Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund talks about the report prior to Dr. Weed, Executive Director of Partners for a Healtheier Community, giving his remarks about the negetive impacts the power station has on the health of the surrounding communities. (Bottom row) Joel and Becky talk before gathering the group for a photo and posing for a picture with the plant in the background.

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