Fall River Community Television (FRC-TV) announced a change of name to Fall River Community Media (FRCM) to better brand and reflect their expanded media services at a news event on May 7, 2013 at Bristol Community College. FRCM will now feature several new public access media opportunities including an internet-based radio station and an Audible Local Ledger Service for visually impaired audiences. Cable revenues from Comcast has also funded an upgraded lighting system and new studio furniture. Guests at the event included Richard Urban, Lou Perreira, Mike Moran of Family Service Association and Pam O'Neil of People Incorporated who each produce their own television shows. Director of Fall River Community Media Keith Thibault noted some of the other shows produced in the studio, including "Inside Fall River" hosted by FRCM staff member Steve Camara and United Neighbors of Fall River Executive Director Wendy Garf-Lipp, and "Voices from the Hill" hosted by Representatives Alan Silvia and Paul Schmid and Senator Michael Rodrigues. Healthy City Fall River also airs a monthly show by that name hosted by Dr. David Weed. Click here for a 23-minute video of the event..For more information about producing cable television shows, contact FRC-TV’s Director of Television Services Keith Thibault at 508.678.2811 EXT. 2354.

(Top row, left) BCC Communications faculty member Sally Cameron admires the new sign in the H Building pointing to the media studio. (Top row, center) BCC Radio Manager Ben Farabini welcomes Lou Perreira who hosts one of the local shows on the channel. (Middle row, left) Director of Fall River Community Media Keith Thibault chats with College communications faculty Patrick Stone and Sally Cameron while Comcast Senior Manager of Government and Community Relations Gerry Buckley looks on. (Middle row, right) Patrick Stone shares a photo to Sally Cameron before the show begins. (Bottom row) describes the new changes at the station before introducing BCC President John Sbrega and Fall River Mayor William Flanagan who each offered remarks.



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