The Morton Middle School hosted a Family Fun Night on June 4, 2013 to engage both students and their parents in some healthy fun while learning about nutrition and a range of community resources that they can access to maintain or improve their health. Ninety participants were offered a talk about food by Southcoast Hospitals dietitian Amanda Raposo, a workout to music by Suzanne Ramos, and the chance to speak with representatives of agencies including the AT&T Mobility Store, BMC HealthNet Plan, Child and Family Services, Children's Advocacy Center, Citizens for Citizens Early Education, HealthFirst Dental Program, Morton PTO, Southeast Recovery Learning Community, Partners for a Healthier Community Soda-free Pledge; Saint Anne's Hospital, Southcoast Hospitals' Cardiovascular Prevention Program, and the 21st Century SummerProgram. The event concluded with a drawing for five bags of groceries and a gardening gift bag. Click here for a for a twelve-minute video of the event. Click here for photos of the Fun Night at the Viveiros Elementary School. For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107.

(Top row) School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard, left, greets people at the opening of the event before participants are divided into three groups and head for a workout in the gym, a nutriion group in the classroom and resources tables in the cafeteria. (Row two) Suzanne Ramos leads the first group in some exercises to the tune of "YMCA" while Walter DeCruz, left, of the Southeast Recovery Learning Community and Vangy Auclair of the Children's Advocacy Center talk about their services in the Resource Room. (Row three) Southcoast Hospitals Cardiovascular Prevention Program dietitian Amanda Raposo poses questions to the group about the number of calories in commonly purchased restaurant foods. (Row four) Jennifer Lawrence and her daughter, Sarah, talk with Brenda Viveiros of BMC HealthNet and Angela Bras of Partners talks with Dinelda and Carlos Castro about Sugar-free beverages. (Row four, center) Suzanne Ramos high-five's Jennifer in the workout room. (Bottom row, left) Felisha Conception talks with Dental Outreach Coordinator Betty Nunes of the HealthFirst Family Care Center. (Bottom row center and right) Morton School Student Support Coordinator Liberia Phelan and Destynie Medeiros listen as School Principal Sheryl Rabbitt calls the winning numbers for the prize raffle and one of the six prize winners, Christina Devoe, comes forward.

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