The Massachusetts Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program promotes healthy alternatives for children and parents in their travel to and from school and educates students, parents and community members on the value of walking and bicycling. Over 6,500 students from all nine of the City's elementary schools, all five of the middle schools, and the two high schools were invited to celebrate the Massachusetts Walk and Bike To School Day on May 1, 2013, by walking either to or around their respective schools. "This event is a way to encourage all students to find a way to build walking into their daily routine, whether it's by walking to school or by getting regular exercise during some other time of the day," stated School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard who helped to organize the events along with school officials. Students also participated in the second annual Bike-to-School event. Click here to see a 14-minute video of the walkers at each of the sixteen schools.Click here for the Herald News story. Click here for photos of last year's walk and here for photos from the International Walk to School Day. For more information contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 508-675-8227. (Photos courtesy of Elizabeth Malkin, Marcia Picard and Dave Weed

(Henry Lord) Principal Scott Johnson stands in the Advance Auto Parts parking lot on Mariano Bishop Boulevard awaiting Henry Lord students to arrive in time to begin walking at 6:40 a.m. (Doran Elementary) Herald News photographer Jack Foley takes photos of some of the Doran students before they head down Columbia Street to the school at 7:45 a.m. (Stone) Students and teachers walk during one of their walking club outings. (Spencer Borden) Mayor Flanagan talks with the children as Principal Mike Ward checks his watch before they leave for their walk at 8:00 a.m. (Tansey Elementary) Children participated either by walking or by riding their bicycles to the school. (Durfee) Physical Education Teacher Brian Buskin watches as over 1,000 students at Durfee High School walk around the school track during one of their regular physical fitness classes. (Kuss, Talbot and Morton Middle Schools) Students walk during their physical education classes with physical education teachers Dan Fitzgerald at Kuss and Carol DeCambra at Morton.

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