Carlos Cesar of the Flint Business and Neighborhood Associations, helped to organize another Flint Pride Days Block Party in the Flint Neighborhood on July 26th & 27th, 2014. The two-day event was planned with support from the Hamburgao Sandwich Restaurant to give neighbors a chance to enjoy some good food, music and fun in the Portuguese, Brazilian and Cape Verdean tradition. Food included shish-kabob, BBQ chicken, sardines with potato and bread, cacoula sandwiches, hot dogs, pizza and different deserts. Live entertainment was provided by the American Band "Moment of Clarity" and a DJ from New Jersey kept the crowd entertained along with Portuguese singer Jose Manuel and Brazilian Band "Banda Napegarda".  "Come down. If you can't make it this year, make a note to make it next year to be sure," said Mr. Cesar. Click here for a three-minute video of the event. Click here for photos of a carnival organized last year by the Flint Neighborhood Association. For more information contact Carlos Cesar at 774 526-2221.

(Top row) Children enjoy the bounce house set up on Pleasant Street for the two-day Flint Pride Day Block Party. (Row two) Brazilian food, including cuzcus de tapioca, a sweet pudding made with tapioca and either milk or cream, is featured at the event. (Row three) Amy Blanchette watches as Peter Belanger launches giant bubbles over the event. (Row four, left) Wayne Medeiros listens as Mike Coleman of Lapointe Insurance talks with State Representative Paul Schmid. (Row four, center) Bill Lapointe of LaPointe Insurance is interviewed by Phil Sabatino of Fall River Government Television. (Row four, right) Mr. Slice of Papa John's Pizza and Otto Rock of Plymouth Rock Assurance wave to the crowd. (Bottom row, left) Casey Sousa, Assistant Manager for Papa John's Pizza hands our free samples. (Bottom row, center) Auxiliary Police Officer Wanda DaCruz watches as Christian Monteiro gets an alcohol permit wrist band after Mario DoRego checks his ID to be sure he is over 21. (Bottom row, right) Fall River Police Officers John Ruggiero and Richard Saraiva talk with another community police officer on duty.

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