Over 6,500 students from all nine of the City's elementary schools, all three of the middle schools, and the two high schools were invited to participate in the International Walk-to-School event on October 8, 2014. Due to early morning showers, some school elected to walk on the 9th or 10th. The event was supported by the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program which promotes healthy alternatives for children and parents in their travel to and from school and educates students, parents and community members on the value of walking and bicycling. "In addition to the many schools that hold an event in October and May, we're pleased that the Doran Elementary School now has a daily Walking School Bus to encourage children to walk every day," stated School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard who helped to organize the events along with school officials. Click here to see a 13-minute video of the walkers at several schools. Click here for photos of last year's walk and here for photos from the 2012 International Walk to School Day. For more information contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107. (Photos courtesy of Sophie Fierst, and Micah Savitsky

(Top row) School Safety Officer Brenda Racine checks on the Walking School Bus sign for the Doran Elementary School before Physical Education Teacher Jason Springer leads a group of older boys in a song about walking as they head out on the route past the Ships' Cove Apartments. (Rows two through five) Students and teachers from the Viveiros Elementary, Henry Lord Community and Silvia Elementary School walk on the 8th, and students at the Spencer-Borden, Silvia,and Watson Elementary schools walk on October 9th and 10th (Rows six through eight) Students at the Resiliency and Kuss Middle Schools walk indoors on the 8th, and Durfee High School students walk outdoors on the 8th.

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