As part of the process of developing an Action Plan for the 2014-2019 period, Partners for a Healthier Community held a public input session at the Greater Fall River Re-Creation Kick-off to Summer event at Ruggles Park on June 21, 2014. This event was one of several opportunities that residents had to review the Proposed Action Plan and make comments and additions before it is adopted at the end of the month. The Action Planning Process began in September 2013 with the designation of eight short-term Task Forces mobilized around a subset of issues related to the health of the community which met to review the available data on both needs and assets, including 129 Data Sources and 30 Videotaped Key Informant Interviews, and were then be asked to come up with a list of no more than ten recommendations, listed in order of priority. A comprehensive data assessment for the four-town area was published in January 2014, and additional meetings were then held in January, February and March with representatives of populations who are at greater risk. Finally, two special meetings were convened to consider behavioral health issues from a systems perspective. The findings were then reviewed at a series of Community Health Assessment Forums in April and May where representatives of all eight Task Forces were invited to present their findings. Click here for a two-minute video of the event. For more information, contact Dr. Weed at 508-324-2405. (Bottom row photos and video courtesy of Jennifer Espanola)

(Top two rows) Residents line up at the Greater Fall River Re-Creation Kick-off to Summer event to give their input into the 2014-2019 Action Plan before it is finalized. (Bottom row) Partners Executive Director Dr. David Weed talks with two young men about their ideas for making the community healthier.

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