Residents of the Chor Bishop Eid Housing Complex on Quequechan Street in the Flint are enjoying the first harvest of vegetables from their community garden that is growing near the 54-unit apartment building picked by resident Katie Goldman who oversees the garden. It's wonderful to see people eating wonderful food that they had a hand in growing and without any expense to them," commented Goldman. The garden has been constructed with donations of wood, soil, compost and seeds from the Housing Authority, Partners for a Healthier Community, and other sources. Two raised beds were constructed two years ago with the help of now State Representative Carole Fiola and her husband, Ken, who did much of the original construction. The garden gives residents the opportunity to plant and raise their own fruits and vegetables, including beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions. The produce is shared among the residents of the complex, many of who are physically unable to work in the garden, and some is donated to community food pantries and soup kitchens. Click here for photos of the garden dedication. For further information, contact Housing Authority Family and Youth Services Coordinator Joey DaSilva at 508-675-3500.

(Top row) Resident gardiner Katie Goldman stands between photos of some of the squash that she recently harvested from the garden for residents. (Middle row) Katie points to some of the plants in the raised bed in addition to the lettuce and eggplant that she grows in buckets. (Bottom row) Katie points out other plantings, including tomatoes and peppers. 

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