The Greater Fall River Fitness Challenge held its tenth annual Finale at the Eagle Performing Arts Center on April 21, 2017 celebrating the conclusion of the twelve-week series that began on January 14th with over 300 enrolled. Partners Health and Wellness Coordinator Annemarie Holly thanked the participating organizations, including Cat Studio Fitness Fusion, Tabi's Transformations, General Fitness. Greater Fall River Re-creation, Salt Fitness Cafe, TKO Fitness, Vitality Fitness and both the Swansea and the Fall River YMCA.. The series was sponsored by Partners, Re-Creation, Saint Anne's Hospital, and Southcoast Health. This year's school participants were honored by Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard in a Challenge component that has involved over 25,000 students in special fitness activities over the past six years. The top winning adult teams were "Goal Crushers" of People Incorporated in third place, "Family Steps" in second place, and "Tabi's Transformations" in first place. Robin Norvarka took the top women's and Steven Rego the top men's places and a $500 check each. Altogether, 1,861 pounds. were lost collectively by the participants in this year's Challenge, and a total of 28,319 pounds over the past ten years. Click here to see the video of the event. Click here for the 4-minute music video of the Challenge series. Click here for photos of last year's finale. For more information, contact Challenge Coordinator Annemarie Holly at 508-679-0922.

(Top two row) Audience members, including members of the winning teams help themselves to food catered by the new Cav Restaurant before Challenge Coordinator Annemarie Holly welcomes them. ( (Row three) Manager Eric Andrade congratulates the participants in the Challenge walking groups before Annemarie introduces Dr. David Weed who led the 12-week nutrition group which featured tastings of items such as a low-carb bacon-cheddar crustless quiche. (Row four) Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard introduces Silvia Elementary School Principat who both applaud Physical Education Teacher Terry Mahjoory who devised over twenty different activities as part of their school challenge. (Row five) Annemarie draws the winning silent auction prizes while Greater Fall River Re-creation Employee Eli Fishbein takes the prizes to the winners. (Row six) Annemarie introduces Fitness Leaders Tabitha Gendreau of Tabi's Transformations and Greg Medeiros of Fitness Fusion before presenting Dr. Weed with the Bill Daponte Award for Excellence and Deb Carvalho with a prize for the most improved health status. (Row seven) Annemarie begins the team awards with third place winners "Goal Crushers" of People Incorporated and second place winners "Family Steps" with the percentage of total team weight lost on the screen. (Row eight) The audience watches as the first place team winners, "Tabi's Transformations" and first and second place women's individual winners Robin Novarka and Vicki Cowen accept their awards. (Row nine) Eric Andrade applauds fourth and third place men's winners Eric Cheney and Fred LaFleur. (Row ten) Annemarie announces second place men's winner Joshua Stokes-Hannah and first place winner Steven Rego, who poses with Robin Norvarka for prhotographer Jack Foley of the Herald News, and then announces the total number of pounds lost over the ten years of the Challenge. (Bottom row) Annemarie congratulates the individual winners before they pose for photos by family members and friends.

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