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2016 Fitness Challenge Booklet

About the Challenge

Registration Form

Challenge Guidelines

Monthly Calendar of Events

Challenge Activity Record

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Fitness Challenge key tag give me?

Where can I exercise?

Our Sponsors

More information


Fitness Challenge Guidelines


I.   You are able to participate in the Challenge if you live, work or attend school in Fall River, Somerset, Swansea or Westport. You may join as an individual or as a member of a team (a minimum of 3 participants constitutes as a team). All team members are also eligible for individual prizes.

II.   As a community member, you must weigh-in at the Kuss Middle School site before or after a Challenge event or during the week at Greater Fall River RE-CREATION (45 Rock Street, Fall River) during normal business hours (call 508-679-0922).


III.  You will be given an ID number on the back of your Fitness Challenge Key Tag which will allow you to be anonymous when weighing-in. If you bring your Fitness Challenge Key Tag, you can show your ID number and your weight will be recorded.


IV. You must be 16 years of age or older to participate in the challenge, however we encourage you to create a healthy environment for your entire family. If a child under the age of 16 would like to participate in an exercise class, please call ahead to get approval from the instructor.


V.  Weigh-ins will occur bi-weekly until the final weigh-in. In order to be eligible for prizes you MUST attend the FINAL weigh-in. Weigh-in days/weeks are highlighted on your Fitness Challenge calendar.


VI.  In order to be eligible for the most attendance you must check in with an identified staff member and show your key tag.


VII. If you are signed up by January 31, 2016 you are officially eligible for the grand prizes [After Fitness Challenge kick-off, you can sign-up at RE-CREATION, 45 Rock Street Street, Fall River].


VIII. If you lose your Fitness Challenge Key Tag, you are welcome to purchase a new one at Greater Fall River RE-CREATION for $5.

Click here for Health Fair photos
Click here for the video

Click here for photos & video of the 2013 Fitness Challenge Finale!

Click here to watch last year's Finale retrospective video.