The Mayor's Office of the City of Fall River, working in cooperation with Partners for a Healthier Community,  convened its initial Design Team meeting on April 3, 2003.Participants were divided into three Work Groups to plan the development of a Healthy City Initiative in Fall River. Check the progress of each group below to see where they are in the process and to learn how you can get involved.

Outreach Work Group - 
: to inform as many groups and sectors of the community about the Healthy Fall River initiative and to solicit as much meaningful input as possible from these groups as to their vision for a healthier Fall River. This group will meet next on December 4th, 2003, from 8:30-10:00 a.m. at Bristol Elder Services, 182 N. Main Street, Fall River, in conjunction with the Vision-to-Action Work Group. Contact Maureen Estes, 508-324-2405, for details.

Vision-to-Action Work Group - 
to gather data from the Outreach Work Group's activities and present in such a way that citizens can understand the variety of visions of a healthy community and identify and select Priority Actions that they would like to see carried out in the first year. This group will meet next on December 4th, 2003, from 8:30-10:00 a.m. at Bristol Elder Services, 182 N. Main Street, Fall River in conjunction with the Outreach Work Group..
Resources Work Group - 
to identify the existing and potential human, financial, in-kind and partnership assets and assets and resources that can contribute to the activities and goals of the above two-groups. This group is working on assembling a list of existing groups and projects that contribute to improving the health of the City.

"Voting" by the public on 42 recommendations for Priority Action items has taken place at Government Center and on this web site during September.( The Healthy City display is accessible in the lobby of Government Center during normal business hours.) Results are now being analyzed and a plan outlined for preparing for a day-long Healthy City Summit to be held in March at Bristol Community College.
The next meeting of the full Design Team will take place on Thursday, January 15th, 2004, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., at the Advanced Technology and Industrial Design Center, Martine Street, Fall River. Even if you missed the other meetings, join us as we review the final plans for the Healthy City Summit. Contact Maureen Estes at Government Center, 508-324-2405, for further information and to register for this meeting.

If you missed the initial Visioning Forum held on February 27, 2003, click on the photo to the left to see photos of the event and to learn more about what took place. You can access the Summary of Proceedings and Feedback Summary. You can also link to an Overview of Current Data for the City of Fall River with information on General Demographics, Healthy People 2010 Indicators, and Other Indicators, including data on Poverty, High School Graduation & Education, Early Detection of Cancer, Disability, Chronic Disease, and  Dental Health.

Click here to see photos from the dozens of Visioning Sessions held throughout the City this summer.

Click here to see a compilation of hundreds of recommendations submitted by over 900 participants of visioning sessions so far!

Click here to access links to web sites that provide helpful information for and about healthy community development. 

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